A quick last minute sewing project. I made a nursing cover for my friend here. My friend Tisha sent me one as a shower gift and I was able to use that as a pattern to make one for someone else.
No baby yet! It has been a while since I posted thinking that any day the baby would be here and we would have some fun things to post about but, but no luck.
We have however, had a great week. We have had my brother, his wife and twin boys here, my parents, and our friends the Bod's, so we have been busy.
We loved having everyone here, but I do admit feeling pretty tired.
As far as the baby goes, we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so we will see. Last week's appointment I hadn't even started dilating. This could still be a long few weeks.
The nursery is almost finished though...pictures this week I promise, unless the baby comes. :)
Babies come when they want to, but I hope for your sake she comes soon! And don't worry about not being dilated - you know my story. You look great - you don't have that "end of pregnancy" look in your face yet. :) Awesome job on the nursing cover!
Oh - and those twins are the cutest little things ever!
Can't wait to get "the call"!!!
Good luck with your upcoming week or so! Cute nursing cover...I was wanting to make one of those, but didn't know if I was going to nurse long enough to make it worthwhile....it would have been worthwhile!
Where is the countdown baby? Good luck Monday at the Dr. Miss you.
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