Ah, so cute! Baby Sleeping...for now anyway. I am finally up to blogging. At least at the moment. To be very honest, the last few days have been a little crazy. Mostly with me. Oh the hormones. Seriously Molly is the sweetest baby. She isn't very fussy, she eats well, and sleeps good too. I, however am so tired, got mastitis, and feel like I won't make it when Nick is gone. I am sure all you mom's out there can relate. It will just take some getting used to.
Molly is doing well though. She was borderline jaundice, so we had to take her in twice to do the billyrubin count, but now she is done with that. She also lost over 10% of her birth weight in the hospital, so we have had to do frequent feedings to make her gain weight. I think she is doing better with that too. She is so pretty. We love to just look at her. She makes funny sounds when she sleeps that are so cute! We love doing her hair already.
Nick has been the best help! He has done household things, laundry, cooking and is constantly taking care of me and Molly. What a blessing! He has also given me a priesthood blessing for which I am thankful. We also had my mom and sister come and help us for a few days each. It is so humbling to have people serving us so much. We are just so grateful.
Today I put Molly in a dress. Not because we were going anywhere, but because it was a preemie size and I was afraid she wouldn't fit in it for long. She looks so beautiful.
Glad you got a moment to share. She is beautiful!
Molly is beautiful! I love that she has so much hair! I am sorry to hear about mastitis! That is so painful (I actually have it now!) Hopefully you feel better soon!
SO cute! I am sorry about the mastitis, that is awful! Nursing has probably been the hardest thing for me...with Robbie I have just nursed (first time doing that) and i think it was finally ok by about 2 month and by 4 it was great. So if you want, stick with it and it will get easier. I hope you get some sleep.
Oh she is so adorable, I love the picture! I bet you are having so much fun having a little girl. Those first few weeks can be rough, but I promise you will feel like a normal person again soon. Sorry about the mastitis...I know from experience how un-fun that is. I can't wait to meet Molly!
Hey, what a beautiful little girl you have. Service is an awesome thing like you said. I know when I had Ethan I was so blessed by the service rendered to me it made me very grateful for great friends and for the gosple in my life. I remember days when I thought it couldn't get any worse and I was starving and dinner was yet to be planned yet made then I would hear the door bell ring and there was a wonderful sister with a warm meal ready to eat. Blessings are everywhere, even if it is that you got one extra hour of sleep, if you changed one less poopy diaper or even if you got spit up on your pants rather than down your face and down your shirt. One thing I wish I would have done, though thinking back I don't think I had the energy, was to record all of the blessings I noticed so I am grateful for the opportunity to recall a few. Good luck and enjoy this wonderful time of your life.
She is so pretty, Sarah!! Those first few weeks are the hardest, but they will go by so quickly and you will wonder how she got so big so fast!! Hang in there!! It helps having a beautiful baby to look at in the middle of the night! :)
What a cutie!
She is so beautiful! And just hang in there Sarah! You will figure it all out so quickly. My first one was really tough to adjust to as well (and mastitis sure doesn't help anything!), but it does get easier. And thank heavens for great husbands! Congrats again to both of you!!!
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