Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Random Pics.

Coloring together one Sunday night.

Molly's dance class performance for Halloween!

Cute Halloween PJ's

Story time with daddy!!


On Monday night Jessica and her family came down and we went to Frightmeres at Lagoon.  So MUCH FUN!  It was wet and cold, but no lines and lots of fun!  Nick and I went back last night after the kids were in bed and a neighbor came over and we did the haunted houses.

Sunday Smiles

I feel like I could take a picture of my girls every Sunday.  They always look so cute!  Here is Avenley strutting her new dress from cousin Joelle.  (She is holding my scripture bag with a bunch of toys in it.)

Ward Party...Gun Party

The Elders Quorum were in charge of the ward party this year and since Nick serves there we helped to roast as HUGE pig!  It turned out great.  We also did a fish pond and played in the leaves.

Earlier that day Nick hosted a party where several friends came over and my cousin Ed tight them how to put together a gun.  They loved it and are excited to keep building.  Best described as man legos.

It's Autumn Time...The leaves are falling down!

 Choclate Pudding!!

Loving their Style...and that they are such GOOD Friends

Pumpkin Carving Time

The kids really enjoyed carving the pumpkins this year.  Molly has been asking to carve them since we bought them a week ago.  They are also enjoying some gifts from Nana and Papa.