Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lets Go Fly a Kite

This memorial day weekend, Jess and her family came down.  Having a field across the street from our house proved to be fun as we all went to fly a kite.

On Monday Johns family came down too and everyone went fishing.  (I stayed home and slept in)  So much fun!  Molly LOVED fishing and LOVED being with her cousins!

Some fun pics. playing outside.  Molly loved splashing in the puddles from the sprinklers.

Me at 32.5 weeks along.  Getting big!

New House

Here are pictures of the house we are living in now.  We love it.  Cute little bungalow house. 
 Master Bedroom
 Main Bath
 Library/Computer Room
 Living Room

 Kitchen.  Don't love the blue, but look how many cabinets!!

 Basement TV Room
 3/4 Bath Downstairs
 Toy Room.  Love the picnic Molly set up with her toy animals.
 Mollys Room
 Reading nook.
 Painted this cute Sunshine...
 And repainted her name.  Her aunt Jessie painted them when she was born pink and green, but since her room colors changed, due to the baby using her crib stuff we had to repaint.
 Love how her pillow and sunshine ruffle pillow turned out.
 The quilt I made for her bed.

 Back of house with garden...that we arent planting.
Unpictured is the PUSH room and Babys room.  They are both still being worked on.  :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Park City Trip and Dallin's Baptism

I just noticed I never blogged about our most recent family trip.  A few weeks ago Nick had a PUSH Therapy training in Park City.  I have refused to travel anywhere, but since it would be longer than one night, Molly and I went with him.  They had the training at The Lodges in Park City.  It was really nice there.  Nick had trainings all day, so Molly and I mostly hung out in the room reading, watching TV, resting and swimming in the pool.  When Nick was back we did more swimming and went downtown for dinner.  It was a nice get away.  That weekend when we got back was my nephew Dallins baptism.  I was so proud of him.  He is very special to me since we lived so close to them for a few years...I got to see him grow up.  He asked me to talk on the Holy Ghost.  It was a fun weekend with the family!

Molly loves reading with her daddy.  I caught this one of Molly trying to read my hypnobirthing book.  She also really liked throwing rocks into the pond.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dancing and unpacking

Last weekend was such a great weekend for me. Molly had her first dance recital. She was a doll and stole the show. Before I left her backstage I told the girl helping the little kids to keep her eye on Molly because she likes to wander. Sure enough, as soon as I sat in the audience, here comes Molly, just walking on stage looking around. She did pretty well on her dances. She is the youngest, shortest and smallest girl in the company. (which I think makes her look even more cute). During her ballet dance she noticed something black on the stage. It was a feather but she thought it was a spider, so she picked it up and was looking around for her teacher to give her the spider. It was so funny. I think the whole audience was laughing. Grandma and grandpa whitehead, grandpa Echer, nana and papa Sidwell, crystal, Sherstin, Jess, yaerli, trinalee, Keenan, and kitahni all came to watch. They all love her so much. They also love me so much. I'm so spoiled!! All day Saturday my sisters helped me unpack and clean my house. Boxes we unpacked, things organized, house cleaned. They helped make beds, sweep, mop and even put up pictures. This week has been so much less stressful only having to go through a few misc. boxes a day, then if I still had a houseful. Nick was busy helping and putting things up like the curtain rods, crib, etc. mom and dad were kind enough to let everyone stay there and made meals throughout the day so we didn't have to stop to cook. Like I said, I'm spoiled!! I have the best family! I'm feeling pretty settled. I even got a calling in the ward this last weeks as RS activities coordinator. I still have a to do list a mile long, because that is how I am...always making lists, but I actually can relax a little without thinking about all there is to do. Its a good feeling.

32 weeks

I guess I am averaging a post every 2 weeks now. I'm now 32 weeks along. Had an appointment yesterday. Measure right on. Gained one more pound. Baby had a great heartbeat and kicked a few times which Molly really liked. I'm starting to feel like I'm always out of breath. I'm still nesting. I just want to get everything done so I can relax until this baby arrives. My sisters came last weekend and helped me unpack the house even the nursery. It is making everything more real. I didn't mention earlier, but about a month ago, I made a blessing dress for the baby. Love how it turned out. Not sleeping well at all. We bought a new bed to be delivered tomorrow...let's hope that helps! Since we got the babies room unpacked Molly has been very interested in hanging out in there. She likes to look through the binkies, blankies, and toys. She also likes to climb into the crib. I've found that since the move I have to put my feet up more or I get swelling. I talked to a iend about her Hypnobirthing today...think this is the direction I'm planning to take. Love being able to see my baby move now...not only do I feel this little one but you can see when she is dancing around! The doctor said the is head down...and I'm hoping she stays that way!! Cant wait for our baby to come!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

30 weeks stats

I am officially 30 weeks along. Only 10 more to go. * gained 12 lbs. total pregnancy * measure right on * have Braxton hicks at least every hour, especially when Molly climbs on me or if I do any lifting * pretty emotional...I seem to get upset and cry easily * I feel like I'm already nesting a bit. Maybe that is because of the new house, but I just want to clean and organize, even though my body doesn't really want to * don't sleep much at night. It seems like I get about 9-10 hours a night because I stay in bed that long, but there sure is a lot of times when I am up and can't seem to fall asleep * we have figured out a first name but we aren't really saying what it is. We still haven't figured out a middle name. * I've been reading a book called Hypnobirthing. Considering going natural, but still not sure. I'd love to hear positive natural birth experiences if anyone has one. * my sister, mom and mother in law were in the delivery room when I had Molly so I invited my other sister Sherstin to be in the delivery this time. I asked her to read up on being a birthing coach...and since she has had 2 natural births herself, I am excited for her help. * my friend and photography teacher has offered to photograph the birth and I really want the pictures but am struggling with the idea of her being there it I do go natural because I'm afraid I will be a cryer/screamer/wuss and I don't want her to see me like that. * Molly has totally come to terms with it being a girl and not a boy. She is getting so excited. I can't wait to get the crib up and stuff. I think that will make her even more excited. * Nick is loving being a daddy to one little girl and can't it to have another

Our new home

In the middle of march we finally found a place to rent and was nice and clean enough to move our family in. Two dishwasher and we couldn't move in until April 16th. Ah well we thought...then the 16th came and went and the tenent hadn't moved out. The date moved 2 other times and on the third time I contacted a friend from the ward who I heard was going to rent her house. I asked if she was willing to rent it to us and they said yes. They we not moving out of it for two weeks though so we had two more weeks to wait. It is a super cute home though and has a yard with a sandbox and playset. It is 5 bedroom 2 bath and has a huge kitchen and even a dishwasher. Getting all that for the same price we were going to pay for the three bedroom duplex. The last 2 nights we have spent painting. We decided to paint both girls rooms. Still have one more coat to do...carpets were cleaned today so we can finish the painting in the morning and start moving. I don't think we will get the bulk of it moved until Saturday though because that is when we have help. I'm sure it will take me quite a while to get it unpacked and organized too, but I'm excited to have a place to call home for a while. Pics of our cute place to come. :)