Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Last Thursday it felt like I had a clogged duck.  By the middle of the night I had a HUGE headache and the aches started.  The whole day Friday HURT.  It hurt to nurse, to walk, to open my eyes.  OK, I'm being a little dramatic, but seriously my whole body ached.  It even hurt to open my medicine bottle and to hold my 8 lb baby.  Luckily my doctor called in an Rx and the medicine began.  When Nick got home he gave me a blessing and I was on the mends.  The next day the aches were gone, but to put it bluntly, my breast still hurt BAD.  After heat and massage, it was still swollen and painful.  Sunday was the same, but finally by Monday it started feeling better.  I hope to NEVER get mastitis again!!  On Monday I went shopping for new nursing bras.  I was measured.  WHAT?!?  36D!!!  I have Never been that big!!  Is that a good thing or bad?  I'm still deciding.

Here is some cuddle and sleeping pictures.  That is about all we did for those few days.  Oh and Avey's cute bunny slippers.  


Shelise said...

Oh man. Sorry to hear about this. Its amazing what a toll it can take on your body and how fast it comes on. Glad you're doing better. A good nursing bra makes such a difference in my opinion.