Monday, September 24, 2012


I have been to the chiroprator 4 differnt times.  Once in Cedar City when I had been in a fender bender, once in Logan when i was pregant with Molly and when I was trying to get Avey to not be breech anymore.  This morning I went to the chiropractor.  I have actually been in quite a bit of pain for a while...I think most of it is from nursing I think.  My shoulders.  My arms go numb.  Anyway, I was sick outfit, so last Thursday I made an appointment. I justified it by saying I have already maxed out my would just be a copay.  I went and was NOT impressed.  I went with Avey in her carseat a sleep and didn't know how long she would be asleep.  When she wakes, she is hungry.  Anyway it was taking forever to get in first of all.  When I got back the office didn't seem clean.  He first took me to his office that was dusty, covered in piles and even the chair I had to move stuff off of.  Then he took about 10 min. To type in my information.  Couldn't he have his secretary do that later?!?  Then I sent to another room and waited.  Again, not clean.  He showed me a skeleton and told me why people needed chiropractic help every 6 weeks.  Humm...okay.  Then another room where I was hooked up to a massage bed.  I'm looking around while my back is being mechanically rubbed and even the light was duck taped.  After the timer goes off...wait again.  Then for the adjustment.  That was good.  I felt like it helped A LOT.  Crack crack crack.  He said he wanted to see me in a few days. So that was today.  Once again back in the dirty office.  I forgot to mention, in the room with the massage bed...yeah I had my head on a pillow that others have been on.  No change of pillow case.  Anyway, today was a lot faster thankfully and the crack was quick.  I feel better, but I don't want to go back there again.  When I was leaving he asked when I wanted my next appointment. I said I was feeling fine so I'd call if I needed to.  He reminded me that I should come at least every six weeks.  Why do I have to be guilted into coming.  Not going back there even if the cracking felt good.  Am I being too picky?


Jessica Jensen said...

No.... I would change drs...

Shelise said...

No you're definitely not being picky. I'd find a new doctor to go to for sure. Also, I hate it when offices try to make me feel forced into making another appointment. Its so awkward.

Jewel said...

Glad the adjustment felt good. But the pillowcase thing is gross.

Shermilton said...

No. Clean is necessary!

Joe'n'Jess said...

even IF you really need to be going every 6 weeks which sounds a little crazy, but i am not the expert on the subject, you should still be able to choose a different doctor.

Joe'n'Jess said...

even IF you really need to be going every 6 weeks which sounds a little crazy, but i am not the expert on the subject, you should still be able to choose a different doctor.

Tina said...

Ewe...definitely get a new chiropractor! My opinion is that the drs who pressure you, pressure you because they just want more money, because they don't have enough patients, because they're not that good...or because they're filthy and unorganized in this guys case!? There's certainly no reason to not go to a dr you like, with an office you feel comfortable in. I'd definitely change!

dancin' momma said...

Going every six weeks is pretty normall if your spine is in pretty decent shape. If it's not going more often and seeking getting your spine corrected if an even better option. I can say this because my husband is an expert And not all chiros want you to come back because of money, or they don't have enough patients or they're not good. They ask you to come back because they care about your health as their patient. I'm pretty sure not all dentists and M.D.s ask you to return because they're being greedy or they stink at their profession. So why is it so wrong for a Chiro to ask the same of his patients?