Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tom Boy or Princess

(Picture before climbing)
My Molly is so girly.  She loves having twirly dresses and her hair curled and often asks for make-up too.  She likes to play princess, house, and cooking.  BUT when dad gets home, she likes bugs, dirt, wrestling and lately, climbing.  Nick took his YM climbing the other day.  In preperation, Nick and Molly pulled out all his gear and organized it.  Molly was so excited to have a harness that was "Molly size."  When she found out that Nick had taken his YM climbing and she had not gone, she was heartbroken.  On Thursday I went to a institute class and Nick had a date night with Molly.  It included climbing and a root beer float.  Like the Cars shirt too.  She loves it because Matt and Dal love it.  Notice the painted toenails and hair bow.


Jewel said...

Climbing and a rootbeer float was probably her dream date.