Molly has the sharpest fingernails!! I think I cut & file them every few days, but she always seems to scratch herself. She will be totally content, looking around and then all the sudden I will hear a loud, sad cry. I usually know the reason, she has scratched herself again. We have resorted to socks on her hands. (any other suggestions?) This is a picture of her before church today. Nick said I couldn't post it because I always post church pictures, but they are so cute and grandmas need to see them.
There are hand mits you can buy - probably at Walmart or Target. They didn't fit Hazel for long, though, because she has LONG fingers. She had to keep her fingers scrunched in them. But, better than clawing out her eyes.
Once she gets a little older she'll have more control of her hands and won't scratch herself so much anymore. Hazel's been good for a month or so, so you're probably close to that point.
OH that DRESS is so petite and fancy!! Definately post worthy. And her little grin. That is cute.
She's just so cute.
She's getting some chub on her...How cute! We did the same thing (with the socks) when Caleb was a newborn. I wish we were coming up this weekend but I'm still so sick, it would be impossible. I was hoping by now things would be better, but no such luck. Sorry. :( We really miss you guys though. We are planning a trip up north as soon as I feel better though, so we will definitely see you then!
What a cutie!! I love that little smile :) Good luck with the fingernails - their nails grow so fast!
I like the Sunday Pictures! I Think they are just TOO Cute
Yeah, Kendi likes to scratch the back of her neck-- and HARD! I don't know what to tell you, maybe try those itty-bitty files on her nails?? She is a cutie!
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