About a month ago, we bought... OK, I bought 3 little goldfish (Nick). I thought it would be fun and I wrote Sarah a cute not to go with it- something about 'fishing' for the right words to say "I love you." It really only cost a dollar or so and the year supply of food was a dollar too so it was something fun to take care of. Well, we thought of names that came in threes like "John Stockton, Karl Malone, and Jeff Horny-check" then we thought of "Bella, Edward, and Jacob" but that was a little corny so we settled on "Harry potter, Hermonie, and Ron." Those names just seemed to fit because Harry was the one with black marks, Hermonie was the small one, and Ron was the big orange one. I figured one would die because we have never even been able to keep plants alive and my last fish committed suicide by jumping out of the bowl. These little guys stayed alive though!... Until today.

On Sunday Harry Potter (the marked one) got the black plague. in other words, he started to get covered in black patches all over. The sorrowful truth is, he was murdered. It is a tragic story of a boy who unknowingly poisoned our fish with remnants from my toothbrush. On a dark and foreboding Sunday morning- that was neither dark nor all that foreboding, a young lad, enthralled with watching the fish, decided to interact with them by sticking a menacing toothbrush into the bowl. The toothbrush had been tainted with dried toothpaste build-up, as most toothbrushes have. This contained all the right poison to take an innocent fish-life. The death was slow, but not painful. Once the stirring of the toothbrush had occurred, the chunk of toothpaste was ingested, and all that was left were the black patches of death.
Harry Potter has past from this life into the endless oceans in the clouds. His memories are those of swimming left and right, up and yes, down. He ate and he swam into our hearts but now his lifeless and floppy body will probably end up in Lake Mead. His spirit, however small will swim on forever...

Good-bye Harry Potter- my good fish of 2 months. You will be missed...