Sunday, August 25, 2013

4.5 years

The last few months have actually been a bit of a challenge for us as we try to figure out our 4.5 year old Molly.  She is really showing her independence and trying to find her place.  Molly is either HAPPY or SAD.  She seems to feel her emotions and wear them on her sleeve. She is caring and kind to others especially Avenley. She really is a good sister and I am thankful she is so helpful. Molly is growing tall.  All her size 4 pants are floods, but size 5 drown her. She loves to play dress up and is usually in princess clothes.  She also loves to play anything pretend. She will often say, "mom, lets pretend your the nice step mother and ill be a princess...or...pretend I'm the mom and your the sister...or you be Captain Hook and ill be Peter Pan."  She likes to jump on the tramp and is getting pretty good at it. She took gymnastics this summer and can do a perfectly straight summer salt and is working on a cartwheel. She loves to read with mom or dad and likes to listen to Junie B Jones books.  She has had a hard time staying in bed at night. We give in often because neither Nick nor I liked sleeping in a basement when we were kids so we feel bad that her room is down there. We have tried letting her sleep in Aveys room but at least once a week she ends up on the floor by my bed. She usually grabs a towel in the hall for a blanket.  She knows how to write many of her letters and can recognize the letters in her name and our names. She is getting good at coloring and loves to do it more and more.  She still likes anything to do with princesses, unicorns, mermaids, and puppies.  She likes to pretend she is one of them.  She is a good eater and calls hamburgers ham-ger-bers.  She loves hiking and fishing with her dad. She brings excitement to our lives. She also loves to cuddle at night and will always tell us that she loves us.  We love our Molly girl!!


Angie said...

I grinned reading that she likes Junie B. Jones books. The Sidwells introduced that series to me (Jeremy was into them) and I have LOVED them ever since. I read them to my classes when I taught Kindergarten, and Hazel has heard most of them by now.

Shermilton said...

So so cute!!!