Sunday, August 25, 2013

13 months

Avey now has 7.5 teeth. 4 on the bottom and three on top with one trying to make an appearance. She still nurses 3 times a day.  Morning, nap and night.  She loves getting in the bath.  She is the most wiggly baby I have ever been around. She is constantly moving. Church, as you could imagine, is very difficult. She is curious and brave. She likes to climb on everything that she possibly can which means I have to watch her wherever she is.  She goes up and downs stairs well but I have to watch her there too because she goes down so fast!  She still wears size 3 diapers and 12 month clothes. Avey is still such a happy baby but is now showing frustration when she can't climb to where she wants or if we take something away that she can't have. She is cuddly and gives kisses.  She usually goes to bed at eight and sleeps until nine in the morning. She takes one nap.  She loves playing with Molly, and especially laughing with her. They always make each other laugh. She is standing on her own and has taken at least 6 steps on her own a few different times.  Se loves walking while holding someone's hand. We love this little one so much!!  I am constantly thankful for the joy and peace she brings to my life.

silly shot but she is always climbing...


Angie said...

Sleeps til 9:00! You lucky lady. Hopefully Molly isn't too early of a riser. One of mine is always up by 7:30 at the latest. I dream of sleeping in...

Shermilton said...

I'm needing my Avey fix.