Sunday, March 3, 2013

Avenley at 7 Months

This is a picture from about 2 weeks ago...before she got sick.  For Valentines Day the girls each got new headbands.  This one is Aveys.

Avenley continues to be such a joy to us.  She is always happy and positive.  (Which makes her being sick SO sad)  She claps now when you say "Yeaaaa."  She is in a size 2 diaper and is back to just breast milk after rashes with almost everything we tried.  She wasn't very interested in eating solids either.  She wears 6-9 month clothes.  Avey has really become a mommas girl.  She cries when I leave the room.  She is getting separation anxiety pretty bad.  She loves Molly and usually looks for her if she can't hear her.  She says "mama" and a few other babbles.  She responds to her name.


Jewel said...

How pretty. Love that gaze.

Shelise said...

I love this picture and her headband is really cute! I wish I could wear little girl clothes and have them still look cute. :)

Shafferprincess said...

Her headband is super cute! Did you ever figure out what was causing the rash? I don't know if you remember what happened with me and C, but he ended up being allergic to milk. I completely cut it out of my diet and continued to nurse him until he was 18 months old. Not to long ago, we tried milk again and found that he had outgrown the allergy. Yeah!

Hope she's doing better.