Tuesday, March 26, 2013

8 Months

Avey in now 8 months!!  Here are some fun facts:
1. She had 2 teeth.  One came in the a few days later she got number two.  She was a bit fussy when they were coming in and didn't sleep very well those nights.
2.  She is in size 6-9 month clothes and mostly out of all the 3 month ones.
3.  Still wears size 2 diaper
4.  Giggles at her sister all the time.  (Especially when Molly is crying.  I think she thinks Molly is laughing or something.)
5.  Loves to give hugs to her family especially me.  :)
6.  Just a few days ago she finally started eatting a few things besides milk.  She has refused any food I have tried by holding her lips tight and shaking her head but for some odd reason she just started liking it one day.  So far she likes peaches, pears, carrots and sweet potatoes.
7.  Nurses a lot.  More than I have read most babies her age do.  She always seems hungry.
8.  Does not sleep through the night.  She was down to getting up only once to nurse, but now it is usually twice.  Ugg.  Hoping she starts sleeping better again soon.
9.  Loves toys.
10.  Likes to hold on to things and pull herself up.
11.  Waves her hands to say hi.
12.  Says mama when she wants me.
13.  Smacks her lips when she wants to eat.
14.  Says baba which is usually Nick.
15.  Takes 2 naps a day and sleeps in to 8:30 or 9.


Shermilton said...

Can't get enough of these pics. I love her little smily face!