5 years ago
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Easter Festivities
I am loving the spring! This weekend we celebrated Easter with wonderful warm weather! On Friday we colored eggs and on Saturday morning the Easter Bunny had come and hid the eggs. He also brought Easter pails and a few goodies. Molly and Avey got matching dresses.
We had a neighborhood egg hunt/breakfast at our place and it was a huge success. I think the kids had a great time searching for eggs.
Yesterday evening we went to Aunt Camille's for dinner. We broke a pinata that Nick, Molly and I had made. Enjoyed spending time with the Sidwell family. It is nice being a little closer so we can attend those things.

We had a neighborhood egg hunt/breakfast at our place and it was a huge success. I think the kids had a great time searching for eggs.
Yesterday evening we went to Aunt Camille's for dinner. We broke a pinata that Nick, Molly and I had made. Enjoyed spending time with the Sidwell family. It is nice being a little closer so we can attend those things.
(Yes Molly is in 2 different dresses in one day! She is obsessed with dresses right now.)
I love how HAPPY this little girl is!! She would rather be held, but does pretty good playing on her own. Even better if Molly is down there playing with her.
The last few months Molly has participated in a co-op Mommy Preschool group. We had 4 kids but one moved and one opted out...and we gained one, so it has been a little crazy changing schedules around, but honestly it has been so nice. The kids get a long great and enjoy learning together. They are learning about the 5 senses. Kendall Miller, Aubrey Stock and Molly.
Nicks aide had a daughter having a birthday this week. Nick had shown her Molly's cake from January and she asked me to make 2 for her daughter. I was happy with the way they turned out. Hopefully they were too. She paid me $20 to do it but after being in the kitchen ALL day working on them I ended up using the money to go out for dinner.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
8 Months
Avey in now 8 months!! Here are some fun facts:
1. She had 2 teeth. One came in the a few days later she got number two. She was a bit fussy when they were coming in and didn't sleep very well those nights.
2. She is in size 6-9 month clothes and mostly out of all the 3 month ones.
3. Still wears size 2 diaper
4. Giggles at her sister all the time. (Especially when Molly is crying. I think she thinks Molly is laughing or something.)
5. Loves to give hugs to her family especially me. :)
6. Just a few days ago she finally started eatting a few things besides milk. She has refused any food I have tried by holding her lips tight and shaking her head but for some odd reason she just started liking it one day. So far she likes peaches, pears, carrots and sweet potatoes.
7. Nurses a lot. More than I have read most babies her age do. She always seems hungry.
8. Does not sleep through the night. She was down to getting up only once to nurse, but now it is usually twice. Ugg. Hoping she starts sleeping better again soon.
9. Loves toys.
10. Likes to hold on to things and pull herself up.
11. Waves her hands to say hi.
12. Says mama when she wants me.
13. Smacks her lips when she wants to eat.
14. Says baba which is usually Nick.
15. Takes 2 naps a day and sleeps in to 8:30 or 9.
1. She had 2 teeth. One came in the a few days later she got number two. She was a bit fussy when they were coming in and didn't sleep very well those nights.
2. She is in size 6-9 month clothes and mostly out of all the 3 month ones.
3. Still wears size 2 diaper
4. Giggles at her sister all the time. (Especially when Molly is crying. I think she thinks Molly is laughing or something.)
5. Loves to give hugs to her family especially me. :)
6. Just a few days ago she finally started eatting a few things besides milk. She has refused any food I have tried by holding her lips tight and shaking her head but for some odd reason she just started liking it one day. So far she likes peaches, pears, carrots and sweet potatoes.
7. Nurses a lot. More than I have read most babies her age do. She always seems hungry.
8. Does not sleep through the night. She was down to getting up only once to nurse, but now it is usually twice. Ugg. Hoping she starts sleeping better again soon.
9. Loves toys.
10. Likes to hold on to things and pull herself up.
11. Waves her hands to say hi.
12. Says mama when she wants me.
13. Smacks her lips when she wants to eat.
14. Says baba which is usually Nick.
15. Takes 2 naps a day and sleeps in to 8:30 or 9.
Sleep Over
Logan and Nick were roomates in college for a while. Amy and I were college roomates too. We were both engaged a few weeks a part and married within a month apart. We have stayed close friends over the miles and years. The Mickels live in South Ogden now and it has been SO fun to have them close to us again!! We have shared some good, bad and amazing times together. Amy was there for me when I lost our first baby and I was there taking pictures at the birth of her third. She is a great friend and like a sister to me.
When Nick and I were first married the Mickels came over to watch a movie. We had the futon mattrass on the floor and were all laying on it. Well, we all fell asleep. In the middle of the night I woke up and crawled into my room to get in bed, only to find Amy already in it. She rolled over and I climbed into bed. A few min. later in came Nick and poor Logan was left alone on the futon while the three of us slept in our bed. It was a fun memory of ours. Years later, 3 kids for them and 2 for us later we had a fun sleepover again. But it was just Nick and I in our bed and Amy and Logan on the couch. :) (Nick was taking the picture and the babies were already in bed.)
The Wizard of Oz
Last week our family went to the Farmington youth production of The Wizard of Oz. I was so happy with how well both girls did at it. Molly loved it.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Camp Night
We had some nice days last week. We spent a bit of time outside cleaning out flower beds and even planted a few rows of peas. We also had a few campfires. The kids loved it. Especially the marshmallows.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Our baby is moving...no crawling yet, but she gets around. She rolls, reaches, scoots. And of course, SMILES.
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