Monday, January 28, 2013

Kangaroo Zoo

Molly has been working to earn best behavior tickets for a trip to Kangaroo zoo.  She gets a ticket if she goes the whole day without crying (unless she is hurt) and one for staying in bed at night and not waking us up.  On Saturday she got ticket #10 so she chose to go to Kangaroo Zoo.  She had never been there and I was worried it would be a waste of money because she doesn't even dare go down the slides at McDonald's but she proved me wrong.  We spent over 2 hours there and she wasn't ready to leave.  The tallest slide was actually her favorite.  I was proud of her and her climbing skills.  Our friend Jared and Ben came too.  Avey loved just looking around at everyone.


mom said...

Love the pictures. THanks for keeping us up on growing children. You're a great mom.

Jewel said...

Yeah! Molly was brave! They are pretty soft landings.