Sunday, January 6, 2013

5 Months

I am so late on this, but still want to document how my little one is growing.  Avenley at 5 months:

She is sitting up!  Around Christmas...a few days into being 5 months Avenley started sitting up really well.  I still like to put something behind her, but she does it pretty well by herself.

Going for a well baby check in a few weeks so I'm not sure how big she is yet, but she seems a little chubby now which I love!  She nurses every 4 hours and still once at night.  She wears a size 1 diaper.

Really loves her hands and feet.  They are in her mouth most of the time.  She mostly bites on them more than sucks on them.

Is starting to get a little more picky about who holds her, but will usually smile at anyone who smiles at her.  Especially Molly... Molly can get Avey giggling pretty easily.

When she wakes up in the morning she lays in her bed and babbles.  She does this really loud and we can hear her in any room of the house.

Still likes to be swaddled to sleep and cuddled.  She doesn't love her binkie anytime but nap time.


my life with twins said...

Awwwww sarah she is such a cutie!!!

Jessica Jensen said...

love the update... I need to get with it huh!

Angie said...

She's 5 months old and still in a size one diaper? You've got to be kidding me! Our kids must be on opposite ends of the spectrum. I've got size ones in the house waiting for my newborn. Neither Hazel nor Jack fit into newborn sized diapers once they were a week old. There is no way they were still in ones at five months! Crazy. My eyes just popped out of my head reading that! She's super cute!!!