Thursday, January 31, 2013


Molly went to the dentist for the first time today.  Uncle Joseph has checked her teeth a few times, but never done xrays or had any tools when he check them, so it was her first full visit.  She did awesome!!  Not one complaint from her or the dentist.  I was so proud of her...NO CAVITIES!  Yeah Molly!  I was also proud of Avey for sitting through the whole thing and only crying when I had to let the receptionist hold her while I got my xrays.  No cavities for me either!  Happy about that since we don't have dental insurance.  :)  Molly was pretty happy because she got to choose a prize and a princess toothbrush!


Jewel said...

Those prizes ,mean a lot. Nice receptionist.

Joe'n'Jess said...

great job Mol. Your uncle Joe is super proud of you.