5 years ago
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
2 Month Check-up
Avenley had her well baby check. She was 9lb. 7oz.-15th percentile. 22 in.-50th percentile and her head was 50th percentile too. She is doing really well and was such a cutie for the doctor...smiling and cooing. Got one shot. I decided against the others for a few more months.
Pretty Ballerina
Dance has started. Molly is in love with it again. She is such a cutie! She has gained a little more confidence with hopping and tumbling. When she falls now she says she hurt her balance.
Monday, September 24, 2012
I have been to the chiroprator 4 differnt times. Once in Cedar City when I had been in a fender bender, once in Logan when i was pregant with Molly and when I was trying to get Avey to not be breech anymore. This morning I went to the chiropractor. I have actually been in quite a bit of pain for a while...I think most of it is from nursing I think. My shoulders. My arms go numb. Anyway, I was sick outfit, so last Thursday I made an appointment. I justified it by saying I have already maxed out my insurance...it would just be a copay. I went and was NOT impressed. I went with Avey in her carseat a sleep and didn't know how long she would be asleep. When she wakes, she is hungry. Anyway it was taking forever to get in first of all. When I got back the office didn't seem clean. He first took me to his office that was dusty, covered in piles and even the chair I had to move stuff off of. Then he took about 10 min. To type in my information. Couldn't he have his secretary do that later?!? Then I sent to another room and waited. Again, not clean. He showed me a skeleton and told me why people needed chiropractic help every 6 weeks. Humm...okay. Then another room where I was hooked up to a massage bed. I'm looking around while my back is being mechanically rubbed and even the light was duck taped. After the timer goes off...wait again. Then for the adjustment. That was good. I felt like it helped A LOT. Crack crack crack. He said he wanted to see me in a few days. So that was today. Once again back in the dirty office. I forgot to mention, in the room with the massage bed...yeah I had my head on a pillow that others have been on. No change of pillow case. Anyway, today was a lot faster thankfully and the crack was quick. I feel better, but I don't want to go back there again. When I was leaving he asked when I wanted my next appointment. I said I was feeling fine so I'd call if I needed to. He reminded me that I should come at least every six weeks. Why do I have to be guilted into coming. Not going back there even if the cracking felt good. Am I being too picky?
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Pulling Weeds
this morning I went out to pull some weeds. Molly noticed some rubber gloves on the table that Nick had cleaned out of the first aid kit. She put them on and wanted to pull weeds too. I want to remember this because she got this from my mom. Mom always pulls weeds with rubber gloves on. Yes, she is pulling flowers, but they were pretty dead. And yes, she is still in her PJ's.
Reading Time
I love that Molly still loves to read. She usually likes me to read to her. When she was younger she liked to just look at the pictures. We go to story time every Thursday and she really enjoys that. This summer we did the summer reading program twice. You got a sticker everytime you had a book read to you. I think we did over 100 books this summer.
Tom Boy or Princess
(Picture before climbing)
My Molly is so girly. She loves having twirly dresses and her hair curled and often asks for make-up too. She likes to play princess, house, and cooking. BUT when dad gets home, she likes bugs, dirt, wrestling and lately, climbing. Nick took his YM climbing the other day. In preperation, Nick and Molly pulled out all his gear and organized it. Molly was so excited to have a harness that was "Molly size." When she found out that Nick had taken his YM climbing and she had not gone, she was heartbroken. On Thursday I went to a institute class and Nick had a date night with Molly. It included climbing and a root beer float. Like the Cars shirt too. She loves it because Matt and Dal love it. Notice the painted toenails and hair bow.2 Months
Yesterday Avenley turned 2 months! I can hardly believe that 2 months has past but at the same time it seems like we never were without her. She is such a sweet baby. She likes to cuddle. Something Molly didn't like to do so I enjoy that. Too bad it's not often enough. I take advantage of it when I don't have Molly or household competing for attention...like in RS on Sunday or when I'm nursing. I love the coos and squeels she makes. She is always so happy after a nap and food. She doesn't like swaddling as much as Molly did. She often wiggles her arms up and sometimes out of her blanket. She just started sitting in the bumbo. I need to work on tummy time more. She doesn't hate it, but doesn't love it either. She eats about every 3 hours. She had been going up to 5 hours at night, but lately has been back to every 3.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Yesterday when we were at the temple, Molly was looking at an ensign. It had a picture of Jesus in it. I heard her say, "it's Jesus. Ahh I miss him". Sweet. Then today I gave her a snack and laid on the couch for a nap and heard her saying a prayer for her food.
This last week has been pretty uneventful. We are finally just getting on a normal schedule. Mondays we have dance for Molly, class for me and fhe as a family. Tuesday night is Mutual for Nick. Wednesday is dance again. Thursday is Library and Friday is always free incase we have weekend plans. Yesterday Nick had to go to the temple with the youth, so we went over early and Nick wached the girls while I did innitory. It was SO NICE to be in the temple. I have missed it. The last time I was able to go was in Monticello when I was just past my first trimester. After I came out we went and got a shake and then waited while Nick was with the youth. The girls and I just laid on the grass in the shade and watched a bride. I was glad Molly got to see a bride and we were able to talk about the temple in 3 year old language. I hope I can always show my children how much I love the temple.
Avey is smiling a lot now. It is so much fun to see her "light up." Nick and Molly also taught her how to stick out her tongue. Pretty cute.
I figure when her hair grows in I might forget she even has these...2 birth marks on her head. Well, one on her head and one on her neck. She is already rubbing hair off. It looks like she has a little mullet but I can't think of cutting her hair already.

Something Molly has been doing a lot of since Avey was born...ipad...a blessing and a curse.
Avey is smiling a lot now. It is so much fun to see her "light up." Nick and Molly also taught her how to stick out her tongue. Pretty cute.
I figure when her hair grows in I might forget she even has these...2 birth marks on her head. Well, one on her head and one on her neck. She is already rubbing hair off. It looks like she has a little mullet but I can't think of cutting her hair already.
Something Molly has been doing a lot of since Avey was born...ipad...a blessing and a curse.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
A Name and Blessing
Today we blessed Avey. It was a beautiful day for which I was thankful. We had our parents and all our sibblings and their kids here. I loved being together as a family. Avenly is such a sweet baby. I truly feel like Heaven is on earth when I hold her. She is so precious.
Oh Remember Remember
This year for Christmas we had to wait 9 months to experience our gift from mom and dad Whitehead. They got us all tickets to Aladdin at Tuachan and a two night stay in a condo in St. George. WHAT A BLAST!! We all had such a great time ALL together. I was thinking that this will become more and more rare as the kids grow up, but I enjoy the times now when we can all be together. Thursday Nick and I left early so we could visit some friends, the Askeroths. It was so much fun to see them and seemed like no time had passed...even though it had been over 3 years. The drive from Cedar to St. George we talked about our favorite memories in Cedar and there were A LOT. We love that place.
We got to the condo and Nick watched the girls while I attempted a trip to the temple only to find that it was closed for cleaning. Everyone arrived for dinner and then off to the play. I was pretty nervous about leaving my 6 week old baby with a babysitter I didn't know, but the showcare on site was great. They gave us beepers in case they needed us and also a code to scan closer to the stage that we could scan and see the kids from a camera. Molly did better than I thought she would sitting through the whole play, so it was a success.
On Friday we spent the day playing mostly in the pools...they had 4 and 2 hot tubs. I got a nap while Nick took Molly and Sherstin watched Avey. We played Volleyball and at the playground. They also had mini golf, life size chess, racquetball, etc. That night we had a great talent show. Johns family did a clogging routine to Bob the Builder and acted out the inspector coming to the Jensen house. So funny. Molly did her pretty ballerina dance all with a sad face since I forgot her dance shoes and she had to do it barefoot. Josephs family did a skit about a real incident with Ed and Joe when they were kids...playing Karate. Jessicas family showed off their swimming skills and did the water skit. Matthew thought he did it wrong because everyone was laughing. Sherstins family did a few songs. One Keenan wrote and played with the family singing, one Lance sang and played as song he wrote for his staff and Yaerli and Trin sang a duet. Mom and Dad led everyone in Tootie Ta and then the kids went to bed and the adults played a friendly boys vs. girls game of Word Buzz.
On Saturday we were given the theme for this years reunion ORR- Oh Remember Remember. Mom and Dad told us things they remember about my grandma and grandpa Whitehead and they gave the kids crayons and coloring books about memories of Gand G Whitehead. They talked about remembering out heritage. They also announced that they may not be to the next reunion because they are going to talk to my dad's doctor about serving a mission!! So excited for them. It is something my mom has always talked about doing. On the drive home we ate at Pastry Pub where Nick and I had our first date and then stopped at the house my G. Whitehead was born (Burrville) and a field where my Gm.Whitehead grew up. (Sigard) Dinner was at moms and then we went home to prepare for Avey's blessing.
We got to the condo and Nick watched the girls while I attempted a trip to the temple only to find that it was closed for cleaning. Everyone arrived for dinner and then off to the play. I was pretty nervous about leaving my 6 week old baby with a babysitter I didn't know, but the showcare on site was great. They gave us beepers in case they needed us and also a code to scan closer to the stage that we could scan and see the kids from a camera. Molly did better than I thought she would sitting through the whole play, so it was a success.
On Friday we spent the day playing mostly in the pools...they had 4 and 2 hot tubs. I got a nap while Nick took Molly and Sherstin watched Avey. We played Volleyball and at the playground. They also had mini golf, life size chess, racquetball, etc. That night we had a great talent show. Johns family did a clogging routine to Bob the Builder and acted out the inspector coming to the Jensen house. So funny. Molly did her pretty ballerina dance all with a sad face since I forgot her dance shoes and she had to do it barefoot. Josephs family did a skit about a real incident with Ed and Joe when they were kids...playing Karate. Jessicas family showed off their swimming skills and did the water skit. Matthew thought he did it wrong because everyone was laughing. Sherstins family did a few songs. One Keenan wrote and played with the family singing, one Lance sang and played as song he wrote for his staff and Yaerli and Trin sang a duet. Mom and Dad led everyone in Tootie Ta and then the kids went to bed and the adults played a friendly boys vs. girls game of Word Buzz.
On Saturday we were given the theme for this years reunion ORR- Oh Remember Remember. Mom and Dad told us things they remember about my grandma and grandpa Whitehead and they gave the kids crayons and coloring books about memories of Gand G Whitehead. They talked about remembering out heritage. They also announced that they may not be to the next reunion because they are going to talk to my dad's doctor about serving a mission!! So excited for them. It is something my mom has always talked about doing. On the drive home we ate at Pastry Pub where Nick and I had our first date and then stopped at the house my G. Whitehead was born (Burrville) and a field where my Gm.Whitehead grew up. (Sigard) Dinner was at moms and then we went home to prepare for Avey's blessing.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Avenley's Blessing
This weekend we will be blessing our beautiful Avenley. In preperation, I tried on her blessing dress to make sure it fit and while I was at it took some pictures. I made Avenley's blessing dress months before she was born and made Molly a dress with the left over fabric. I'm happy with the way they turned out.
Today was Molly's first day back to dancing and I forgot my camera. Bummer. Loved watching my little dancer.
Today was Molly's first day back to dancing and I forgot my camera. Bummer. Loved watching my little dancer.
Happy Birthday Nick
Well the sickness took its toll on the whole family. I didn't get out to do anything special for Nick's brithday...but he was a great sport about it. We spent his birthday having breakfast with some friends, the Johnsons. Then I kept the girls attention while Nick played some video games. (something he doesn't do often) On Saturday night we went to Cold Stone and on Monday, his real brithday Molly and I made this cake. It was a fun day! Happy Birthday Nick!
Last Thursday it felt like I had a clogged duck. By the middle of the night I had a HUGE headache and the aches started. The whole day Friday HURT. It hurt to nurse, to walk, to open my eyes. OK, I'm being a little dramatic, but seriously my whole body ached. It even hurt to open my medicine bottle and to hold my 8 lb baby. Luckily my doctor called in an Rx and the medicine began. When Nick got home he gave me a blessing and I was on the mends. The next day the aches were gone, but to put it bluntly, my breast still hurt BAD. After heat and massage, it was still swollen and painful. Sunday was the same, but finally by Monday it started feeling better. I hope to NEVER get mastitis again!! On Monday I went shopping for new nursing bras. I was measured. WHAT?!? 36D!!! I have Never been that big!! Is that a good thing or bad? I'm still deciding.
Here is some cuddle and sleeping pictures. That is about all we did for those few days. Oh and Avey's cute bunny slippers.
Here is some cuddle and sleeping pictures. That is about all we did for those few days. Oh and Avey's cute bunny slippers.
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