Monday, February 1, 2010


Molly ended up with the flu bug the very next day. We did a lot of cuddling this weekend. Even though we were under the weather, mom and Grandpa Echer came over to cheer us up. (and cute my hair and work on a quiet book for Molly) Here is a picture of Grandpa reading with Matthew. It was so cute how he cuddled up with him. Later for nap time, he didn't want his own couch he wanted to lay with Grandpa.
PS-post and pictures of our crafting the quiet book still to come.


Auntie M said...

Loved the pictures. Matthew is all I heard about when dad came home. He loves the little ones. Remember we were all little ones once.

Nevada Woolfs said...

What a cute grandpa you have!

Jessica Jensen said...

loved it!

Jewel said...

Very sweet pictures. I love reading pictures.