Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One Year Check-up

Today Molly had her one year check up. We were pretty happy with how things went. The doctor said her eczema looked good and that we could start introducing more foods. (she has been on a pretty stict diet because of allergy risk) We are excited because I didn't feel like she ever got enough to eat. We will see how it goes. She is also developing right on schedule. (although she still isn't walking quite yet) She was 28 1/2" tall (25%), and 17 1/4lbs. (3%). The doctor said she can afford to gain more weight, but she has always been small for her age. The nurse told us that Molly was in the top 5% cutest babies that she has ever seen-and she sees lots of babies. (not sure if she says that to everyone, but I agree that she is the cutest!) She got her shots, so we are praying for a good night and not too many tears.


Green's said...

I agree with the nurse too! Darling as can be. Yes, it was a fast year!

Diamonds said...

I love this picture of her...she's a beautiful baby.

Lindy said...

Shots are the pits! Glad to hear that she's doing well. Isn't it fun being a mom FINALLY (still!)? :)