5 years ago
Friday, January 29, 2010
Surprise Ending
I caught this video of Molly and me playing in our pajamas. She loves to play with this bouncy ball- as long as she keeps it out of her mouth. When I want her to throw it to me, sometimes she likes to play keep away and she crawls away to tease me. Watch this video and see what you think... I think she purposely does the opposite of what I say. She really is THAT smart... and I am a pushover.
Sick & New Toys
Well I have been shut in the last 24 hours with the stomach flu. YUCK! I hate being sick! One thing that I was thinking of as I knelt over my toilet puking (sorry if this is too descriptive) is how thankful I am to not be working. I remember all to well the days that I would wake up sick in the middle of the night and the whole night stress about who I was going to get for a sub, and if my lesson plans were understandable, and if I should just go in with a bucket to puke in....The only thing I worried about this time was when Nick would be home to take Molly. What a difference. Anyway, I have always been thankful to be a stay at home mom, but today I was reminded again. (PS- Nick woke up about 6 am sick too so I think we will all be in our PJ's all day)

On a lighter note, Molly got so many fun toys for Christmas and her birthday. She especially loves this piano. It is too cute to watch her play it! 
It is so funny though will all these new toys she still loves her books the most. This is how I usually find her.
I thought this one was cute reaching into her toy basket. She actually fell in, but I wasn't fast enough getting the camera to capture it.
Last weekend my brother and his family came and stayed. We had a great time watching movies, eating pizza, and relaxing. Molly also went sledding for the first time. I think she liked it, but wasn't sure about the cold. Her poor teeth were chattering by the time we left.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
One Year Check-up

Today Molly had her one year check up. We were pretty happy with how things went. The doctor said her eczema looked good and that we could start introducing more foods. (she has been on a pretty stict diet because of allergy risk) We are excited because I didn't feel like she ever got enough to eat. We will see how it goes. She is also developing right on schedule. (although she still isn't walking quite yet) She was 28 1/2" tall (25%), and 17 1/4lbs. (3%). The doctor said she can afford to gain more weight, but she has always been small for her age. The nurse told us that Molly was in the top 5% cutest babies that she has ever seen-and she sees lots of babies. (not sure if she says that to everyone, but I agree that she is the cutest!) She got her shots, so we are praying for a good night and not too many tears.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Our lil' cupcake turned ONE!

Well I survived my baby turning one...just barely! It has been a fun and special weekend. Molly turned one on Friday, but we didn't have a party until Saturday. On Friday night we decided to have the Jensen's over and let Molly try her first cupcake. She was seriously SO EXCITED! She LOVED it! However within about 5 min. after eating it she broke out in hives all over. It got me nervous because she had never had a reaction that fast. We watched her and about an hour later the rash was gone. Needless to say, the next day at her party we tried the cupcake without frosting, which went by much better. We had a fun little party with family and a few friends at the church. We ate, visited, watched a short movie I made of Molly, and opened presents. Thank you to all who took the time to come. It meant so much to us and it was so fun to see everyone.
Tomorrow is my birthday. Any guesses on how old I will be?!?
The cupcake bouquet I made
Molly's grandpa's after the big event.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
less than 24 hours

WARNING: This may get mushy!
In less than 24 hours my baby will be turning one! Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday I went to bed only to awake at 3:30 am with contractions. Around 6 am on the 15th we headed to the hospital. Molly wasn't born until almost 7 pm. That night I didn't was to put her down, I just wanted to hold her. Now, a year later I feel the same way. I just finished nursing her and took a few extra minutes to rock her to sleep. (not just sort of asleep, but in a deep slumber) I love to see her soft sleeping face and hear her breath. It is so relaxing. Molly is my miracle. We waited for her for 5.5 years and she was worth the wait. She is our joy- our sunshine. I feel a little bit depressed thinking that she isn't a baby anymore, but I find joy in all that she can do now. It is so much fun. I love you Molly!
Piano Tuning & Yummy Food
Over Christmas break we moved up the piano that I learned to play on. It has been refinished by my mom and brother (thanks guys) and I absolutely love it! Nick is so excited to learn and practices all the time. Yesterday we had it tuned and it sounds great thanks to Anson's Piano service. He fixed the 3 peddles, some broken strings and made it sound beautiful! Here are some pictures of the inside.
Also I have been trying some new recipes. This was Spinach, Artichoke, Chicken pizza. It turned out really yummy! This is the sauce. Beautiful!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sleep & Teeth
I am so confused by me little one. How come some nights she sleeps great and then she will go in spurts of sleeping like a crazy lady?!? The last 4 nights have been awful! Is it normal for babies around this age to stop sleeping through the night and have a hard time going to sleep? I know Molly is teething, so I gave her a break the first night and ended up rocking her to sleep. (instead of putting her in her crib to fall asleep on her own.) Then the next 3 nights when I put her in her bed...screams!! Is this typical of teething? Is she getting separation anxiety? Am I just making mountains out of molehills? I am tired and need advice. Any ideas of things to do to help with teething?
PS- she also has not been going down for naps as easily. humm
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Ouch...that really hurt
Yesterday Molly got her first big owie. We were at my sisters for dinner and Molly was climbing on the fireplace. I didn't really see what happened, but heard the scream. A yell I had never heard before (although when she gets her immunizations the scream is similar). I thought she just bonked her head but after holding her for a second I noticed blood on my shirt. I guess she did a little more then just bump. It already looks way better just a day later.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Highlights from the last decade
Graduated from High School, first boyfriend, first kiss, semester in Nauvoo, church history tour, health problems
health problems figured out, tonsils out, appendix out, taught preschool, attended CEU, worked 3 jobs
loved institute at CEU, waited for a missionary, associates degree, went to SUU, met Nick,
dear john missionary, engaged to Nick, finished school (BS in Elementary Education), started teaching 4th grade, married to best friend (August 7), honeymooned in Nauvoo
taught 4th grade again in Parowan, wanted to have a baby, Nick worked on degree in communications, trip to Disneyland
Nick graduated with degree in Communications and Spanish, started nursing classes, RS 1st counselor in married ward, working out at the church each night with friends, trip to New York, Niagara Falls, and Kirtland, still working on getting pregnant
Taught 4th grade, Nick still going to school, minimoon to Yardly Inn, still working on getting pregnant, Nick working with Special Educ. at my school, accepted to OT Program at Touro University, went on a cruise, moved in with my brother for the summer, Nick worked at Ivory Homes, moved to Vegas, started teaching 2nd grade
Nick worked hard in OT masters program, taught 2nd grade in a school I didn't like, tutored a super cute family, loved our ward, loved our friends, still working on getting pregnant-this time at the fertility center of las vegas, Dec. second 3 positive pregnancy tests, 1 positive blood test, we are pregnant!! first ultrasound, due date our fifth anniversary-august 7th 2008
Cramping, bleeding, loosing our first baby, tears, mom and sisters coming to visit, Nick graduated with MS in OT, May 14th found out we were pregnant again!, moved to Cedar City for internship, morning-sick, all day sick, missed vegas friends, loved being with cedar friends again, job search, interview in blanding, job in Logan Utah working with kids, moved into condo that we had never seen before, loved our new ward, loved feeling the baby kick, so excited to have a baby soon
January 15th at 6 am to the hospital, 7 pm Molly Lanaiah arrived, love, joy, diapers, less sleep, more joy, Nick working a job he loves, deciding to build a new home, watched it be built, more sleepless nights, more diapers, more joy, move into a new home, love new ward, love home, love logan, love being a stay at home mom, loved Christmas with our baby, love my hubby of 6.5 years
10 years of good and bad. Blessings beyond our ability to receive. Thank you God!
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