Before I had a baby, I thought it was weird that everyones blogs were all about their kids and nothing else, but now that I have a baby, it is all I want to post about. Probibly because the baby brings so much joy. So this post will have baby, but it will also have what Nick and I have been up to.
There is an added benefit to breast feeding that I didn't really know until now. ..it helps you to get your body back in shape. I thought it would take longer, but I weigh less now then I did before I was married. Even less then in High School. I have to say it feels great. I am so excited to start exercising again too. So Nick and I decided to start doing P90X- an exercise program that is supposed to get you toned. It is really intense, so we decided to only do it 4 times a week, but I think it will help and right now we are pretty motivated. (hopefully that lasts longer than a week) Another thing I need to think about is the way I eat. Honestly I haven't been too worried about it, because when you are pregnant and then when you breast feed you can eat just about anything...that has got me into bad habits of needing sweets everyday. Hopefully I can break that, or at least limit it.
Here are a few pictures from this week. Molly has her 2 month check up on Monday. I can't wait to see how much she has grown, but I am not looking forward to her shots. Hopefully Nick can make the appointment so he can hold her.