Monday, December 22, 2008

Let it Snow!

I have been watching the news and hearing about all the crazy weather around the U.S. My brother Joseph and his wife Jessie came home from Iowa-missed a connecting flight in Denver due to the snow, and after arriving in Utah, found out they had no luggage or car seats for their 11 month old twins. I had another friend who's 8 hour drive home ended up taking over 12 hours, not to mention our Vegas friends who had snow too! We have been hit with quite a bit here in Logan- I would guess about 9-12 inches.

Well, the baby is due 3 weeks from today. (which means I am officially full term) The anticipation is killing me. I am so ready for her to come. I have been having inconsistent contractions for about a week. It drives me crazy because I just wish it was the real thing.

I wanted to share a few pictures of a baby shower my sister-in-law Julia threw for me over Thanksgiving break. It was so much fun and so great to see family and friends. We accidentally left our camera at my moms over Thanksgiving, so I haven't had a chance to take pictures of our house for Christmas or the huge 9 month picture. Maybe tomorrow. (mom is sending the camera)


Angie said...

Are you guys staying in Logan for Christmas? I'm at my parents' in Smithfield until New Year's. Call me if you feel up for a visit. It would be great to see you guys!