Yesterday we woke up and had a special breakfast almond wreath that is a tradition in Nick's family. We took it to the Jensen's and watched them open their presents early, as they were leaving for Price. When we got home I surprised Nick with the idea of a Mexican Christmas. (where he served his mission) We got all the ingredients to make homemade tomales. They turned out to be a great success. Yum. Then we opened our "read" gift. (We decided on 4 gifts this year, a want, a need, a spiritual and a read.) I had made Nick a book on snapfish of the reasons I love him and he bought me a book called, "How to be an extrodinary mom." We watched a few family Christmas videos and talked about our favorite Christmas memories. We also read "The Christmas Sweater" together.
This morning I woke up early. I had been up several times through the night-pregnancy-so at 5:30 I rolled over and told Nick I was ready to open presents. We went downstairs and opened our presents. We are missing our families, but have enjoyed having time together alone before our family of two becomes a family of three.