Yesterday Nick and I both weren't feeling very well. (cold season-you gotta love it...even more when you are pregnant and can't take anything) We decided something relaxing to do would be to see a movie, so off we went to a matinee-Twilight. I have been excited about the movie. I started reading Twilight for the ward book club in Vegas. Loved it, so I read new moon then too. I had to wait for the other two to come out, but always anticipated their release. (not enough to wait outside Wal-mart at midnight though-course, I usually got it the next day) Anyway, the movie was a big hit on my list. Loved the actors that depicted my favorite characters. The whole show was almost exactly how I pictured it. Stephanie Meyers must have done a pretty good job explaining things because it was right on for me. If you loved the books, you will love the movie. Don't be afraid that the movie will ruin the book, it won't. If you haven't read the books, I am pretty sure you will still like the movie, so take a date night and go.
We have been thinking about going to see it too! I didn't like the book, but maybe I'll like the movie better. I think I was just too lazy to keep reading! ;)
Oh and by the way, I can't make it to your baby shower! :( I have a gift for you though...Maybe I'll just have to deliver it in person....? :) Love you guys!
I loved it too. I actually started the book but never finished it for many reasons. I liked the movies a lot and think its so funny that a lot of people totally hated it.
I cant believe you only have 7 weeks left. CRAZY!! How are you feeling?
I really really liked the movie too. I would highly recommend it.
My mom was talking about you last night when I talked to her on the phone. She is so excited for you to have this baby.
Tonight at 10:00 pm is the night for the Ladies of Castle Ridge to see this movie... I am excited!!! Brad is also pretty excited that he doesn't have to go with me :)
Sarah! we are sending your baby stuff in the mail sorry things have just been crazy around here with me being sick and all. thanks fro your prayers and love you are still my favorite babysitter!!! i was able to feel well enough to go and see twilight the other night and i loved it! i have read the whole series and loved it untill breaking dawn... kind of a disapointment. love you and best wishes with the baby i will talk my parents into coming to see the baby (maybe if you were closer i could be her favorite babysitter. well lots of love crystal and family
I liked the movie too. how are you doing? that's the worst to get sick and not be able to take anything! Feel better soon!!!
Love it, love it, love it? Can I say more? How could you NOT finish the books???
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