Thursday, May 10, 2012

Our new home

In the middle of march we finally found a place to rent and was nice and clean enough to move our family in. Two dishwasher and we couldn't move in until April 16th. Ah well we thought...then the 16th came and went and the tenent hadn't moved out. The date moved 2 other times and on the third time I contacted a friend from the ward who I heard was going to rent her house. I asked if she was willing to rent it to us and they said yes. They we not moving out of it for two weeks though so we had two more weeks to wait. It is a super cute home though and has a yard with a sandbox and playset. It is 5 bedroom 2 bath and has a huge kitchen and even a dishwasher. Getting all that for the same price we were going to pay for the three bedroom duplex. The last 2 nights we have spent painting. We decided to paint both girls rooms. Still have one more coat to do...carpets were cleaned today so we can finish the painting in the morning and start moving. I don't think we will get the bulk of it moved until Saturday though because that is when we have help. I'm sure it will take me quite a while to get it unpacked and organized too, but I'm excited to have a place to call home for a while. Pics of our cute place to come. :)


Jewel said...

I can't wait to see the pictures.

Chad, Natalie, Russell, and Autumn said...

Oh, so exciting! Good luck hanging in there and getting all moved in. It sounds like a great thing that the other place just didn't work out. We are moving in about two weeks, we are so excited!!

Angie said...

I'm dying to see pictures! I'm super jealous - 5 bedrooms!!! Can we move in with you? J/K It sounds like the other rental falling through turned out to be quite the tender mercy.

Shermilton said...

Can't wait to see it! Excited for you.

Nevada Woolfs said...

Yea! How exciting. Were you guys going to come through Vegas still? I can't remember what you'd said. Max is going to love it when I read him your comment on my blog!