Thursday, May 24, 2012

32 weeks

I guess I am averaging a post every 2 weeks now. I'm now 32 weeks along. Had an appointment yesterday. Measure right on. Gained one more pound. Baby had a great heartbeat and kicked a few times which Molly really liked. I'm starting to feel like I'm always out of breath. I'm still nesting. I just want to get everything done so I can relax until this baby arrives. My sisters came last weekend and helped me unpack the house even the nursery. It is making everything more real. I didn't mention earlier, but about a month ago, I made a blessing dress for the baby. Love how it turned out. Not sleeping well at all. We bought a new bed to be delivered tomorrow...let's hope that helps! Since we got the babies room unpacked Molly has been very interested in hanging out in there. She likes to look through the binkies, blankies, and toys. She also likes to climb into the crib. I've found that since the move I have to put my feet up more or I get swelling. I talked to a iend about her Hypnobirthing today...think this is the direction I'm planning to take. Love being able to see my baby move now...not only do I feel this little one but you can see when she is dancing around! The doctor said the is head down...and I'm hoping she stays that way!! Cant wait for our baby to come!