Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Things I don't want to forget

Just a few RANDOM things I don't want to forget: 1. Molly calls curious George, monkey s. George (not sure exactly why but it's what she always calls it when she wants to watch. 2. I'm already showing. 15 weeks along and I can't really fit in my regular clothes anymore. This is a big surprise because I could wear my clothes until about 20 weeks with Molly. 3. I am already feeling stuffed inside. I mean my ribs are already feeling like there is pressure on them. I don't know if that's even possible since last pregnancy the only thing I remember as far as my ribs with Molly was when she was big enough to be kicking at them. Maybe my other organs are moving up there...or maybe I'm making it up, but I swear it feels different. 4. I kind of think I have felt the baby a few times. Both times I was laying on my tummy in bed and I swear I felt something move. I keep thinking I should remember what it feels like but I only remember the big jabs at the end. I can't wait for the next few weeks when I can really feel the baby. 5. I can't sleep. I have a hard time falling asleep and just as hard of a time staying asleep. This is very strange for me since I usually sleep like a pro. And it is driving me crazy! I feel totally exhausted all the time. I try to not lay on the couch all day, but I feel like it. 6. I had a huge breakout on my face for the last 14 weeks. It is finally going away. I felt like a jr. high girl. 7. I still feel nauseous and still take zophran although I had a good week last week and thought I was done being sick...not so much this week. Kind of sad about that, but hope it will be done soon. 8. I was asked by a member of the stake presidency to teach just one class for an adult institute class that I have been attending. Super nervous. I won't be teaching it until feb. 16. 9. I'm going to start taking photography lessons. Exciting. 10. Today Molly got close to my tummy and kept kissing it. I told her the baby could hear her so she should sing the baby a song so she sang her abc's. 11. Still haven't narrowed down a name for a boy or girl for sure...we have a few ideas, but not exactly sure yet. I'm really not into trendy names and it seems like everything I have liked I'm starting to hear more and they are becoming more popular. When I taught school I hated when there were several kids in the class that had the same name. I thought it would be annoying for the kid to always have to respond when you hear the name. 12. Love this baby so much already!! 13. We had snow the other day. We haven't had much snow at all this winter, so it ws fun to play in it a bit with Molly. (mostly nick did the playing though). 14. It is already a little hard for me to hold Molly. Partly because she is getting bigger and partly because any pressure on my tummy makes me want to throw up. She is really good to hold me like she is hugging me when I hold her. It takes some of the pressure off. 15. Molly still loves nursury, but since we are in there with her and she is used to that, she has had a harder time since we are now rotating with other teachers. 16. The house is still for sale and we are still in the basement. Wish we were on our own, but can't complain one bit about living here. It has been such a help. 17. No bloody noses this round. When I was pregnant with Molly I got one just about everyday for the first tri. Glad not to worry about that. 18. I have the best family in the world!!!!


Jessica Jensen said...

you do have the best family in the world... I'm part of it... You will do great with teaching too. That is awesome...

Joe'n'Jess said...

we miss you guys! i love that molly sings the alphabet to your tummy!

ShazBraz said...

Monkey S. George made me laugh out loud!