This has been a LONG 14 weeks!! I am Pregnant and finally feel like I can tell someone. Because of a miscarriage at 10 week along several years ago and because it takes us so long to get pregnant, I have the hardest time telling anyone until I'm pretty far along, but yesterday we went in to see the baby and everything is going great! I couldn't be more thankful! We have been trying to have a baby for almost 2 years when we found out we were expecting. We had requested the prayers and fasts of our family and friends and the Lord answered those prayers. I started feeling sick right away...that is actually what clued me in before anything else. I was laying in bed one night not feeling well and asked Nick if he thought i might be pregnant. We are so used to late cycles, negative pregnancy tests, etc. that it didn't really cross my mind that I might actually be pregnant. The next morning, still not feeling well, I thought, what the heck, take a test just to rule it out as the reason i wasn't feeling good. What??? Positive!!! I couldnt even wait a hour before texting Nick and asking him if we were busy sometime in the middle of July. He called me to ask why and I told him. Then came the waiting...puking...sleeping...puking...doctors appointment...on hormone medication again...puking. It has been hard, but easier than it was when I was pregnant with Molly, thanks to my parents, Nick and Molly, and a wonderful drug called zophran. Still don't feel great, but I am starting to get a little energy back and I havent thrown up for about 2 weeks. My pants are already tight. (something that didn't happen until about 20 weeks with Molly...don't worry we made sure there was only one in there, im just getting bigger faster) I have no cravings and many adversions to food. Nick and I are thankful to be expecting and Molly seems to be excited as well. She keeps hugging my stomach and kissing it too. In her prayers she always blesses the baby.