Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So much on my mind

There has been so much on my mind lately. Maybe if I write it all out, I will be able to process it/work on what needs to be worked on, etc. I have a friend (Shalise i'm talking about you) who writes on her blog like a journal. Every time I read hers I think that I need to do better keeping a history. this week we have a RS activity about preserving your past. I print my blog book each year and I figure if I don't write my history it wont be worth printing...I just use the excuse that I am too busy. So, here is my try.

1. I went to a Love and Logic seminar last weekend in Salt Lake. Thanks to my friend Michelle I was introduced to L&L about a year ago. Now that Molly is in her toddler years I feel it is so important to learn about!! It is hard for me to focus on it when I have many other things that are on my mind. Today I went to the library with Molly and looked for some more L&L books but they didn't have any in. I put them on hold. Hopefully when they get in, I will have/make time to read them. I really liked what I learned and heard, I just feel like I need more in order to really implement it.

2. Nick has started PUSH Therapy in our home. He has been certified for several months but he just finally got his business license and insurance to start his business. Here is a link to his website. It is still a work in progress, but you can take a look. If you are looking for someone to help relieve chronic muscle pain, give him a call. It is an awesome therapy with great success!!

3. We have been looking into buying a new car and are trying to decide if we should sell Nicks car or mine.

4. Like I mentioned before, I started a music group with Molly. I wanted her to be able to get together with kids her age to sing and dance. There is a group called Kindermusik that I really wanted to sign Molly up for, but it was a little expensive so I decided to do my own. I felt really self-conscious doing it. I haven't felt that way really since I taught school. I didn't like it...I felt like I was being judged somehow. Not that anyone said anything bad, but I feel like everyone is always watching me. Maybe because of my calling as RS president. It is hard to be in the spotlight all the time. I do much better as a wall flower. ANYWAY, Other than worrying about how I feel, Molly LOVES it. I love to watch her personality come out.

5. I have a really good friend going through marital problems. Wow...how hard. It does make me thankful to have such a totally incredible husband!

6. Nick has been SWAMPED at work. He loves working with kids, but this year he has hardly had any time to see this kids...there are meetings galore and way to much to do an not enough hours. It is hard to support him staying in the schools when he is UNDER appreciated, make about $25000 less then he would in rehab/hospital settings, and is always stressed out. Whenever we pray about a different place to work he has always felt like he needs to stay...but WHY?

7. RS Activities have been on my mind a lot too. After the new handbook training we really want to make sure our activities are PURPOSEFUL and a reason to actually leave your family other than to get away from the kids. It also means no craft nights for a RS activity. The new handbook says we can't charge for any activity including materials and we can't ask that the sisters bring their own supplies. Crafts have officially been RELEASED from the RS Activity arena, but I think some sisters may throw a fit over it. I hate that. To be honest, I love crafts, follow several craft sites, etc. but I really want to follow the guidelines from the church. I just know it is for the best.

8. Will it ever warm up and stay warm? I have spring fever SO BAD!


Julie said...

Sometimes it does take a list of some sorts to get thoughts organized, doesn't it? I hope the answer to "why" comes soon. It can be so frustrating. I am so sorry to hear Jessica lost her baby. We kept your family in our prayers.

Shelise said...

I'm so glad that you wrote this post. Its always nice to know what other people are going through and to see that my life is similar (and that I'm not as crazy as I feel sometime, lol). I totally understand about the wall flower thing. I'm totally like that. Sometimes the WHY is so hard to understand. I know things will work out for the best though. Its just being patient that is hard. lol

Tiffany said...

Sarah I had a dream about you last night! We wanted to call you guys earlier and realized that neither of us have your numbers in our phones! Call us or if you don't have our numbers give us yours. :)

ShazBraz said...

I definitely have an opinion as to why Nick needs to stay in the school. He is the BEST OT we've ever worked with. The kids need him! (and we miss him being there!)

Shermilton said...

Love you, Sis.

Jewel said...

HI Sarah,
Will and I used to go to one done by a gal who wasn't Kindermusic certified, but had been a teacher in the past. She did her own "Mom and Me" music stuff.
I LOVED it and think it is PERFECT for Molly/ Nathan's age.
I wish I could come :( Everyone around you is surely lucky that you're doing it. Call me if you need a few ideas, or Sher...she is big into the real thing isn't she?
Go Sarah!

Jewel said...

P.S. I hated the "spotlight" feeling of the calling.

Just shake it off.