Sunday, August 23, 2009

Celebrating Life

The last few days have been very interesting.  I have been reminded once again at the wonderful blessings that I have.  I was visiting with a new friend a few days ago and she told me that she had been married previously.  I was surprised because she just got married 2 months ago and seemed pretty young.  She told me that her first husband had died in a car accident after they had been married just 2.5 years.  Then later that night I checked my email to find out that another friend had a stillborn baby this week and invited Nick and I to the viewing and graveside service.  I couldn't quit thinking that to loose my husband or baby would be my worst nightmare.  I was heartbroken for my friend Marilyn and her husband Patrick.  When we miscarried almost 2 years ago, it was the darkest time of my life.  I couldn't imagine carrying a a baby full term and then loosing it.  The viewing was hard to see a sweet baby in a small casket, but the comments at the service were very comforting.  We are so blessed to have the gospel of Jesus Christ and a testimony of the resurrection.  One speaker talked about how Heavenly Father gave his only perfect son for us.  Another speaker shared the scripture "Suffer the little children to come unto me."  All the comments reminded me of just how blessed I really am.  So hug your spouse, your family and your children tonight and thank God for your blessings.  I know that is what I will be doing.  


Tiffany said...

Oh my goodness, I hadn't heard about Marilyn's baby. That breaks my heart, I am sitting here crying just reading about it. They will be in my prayers.

seegfam said...

I know what you mean. I'm so grateful for the gospel to help us when we lose someone. It seems that there have been a lot of loss this year. A friend I went to high school with lost her husband last week (she just couldn't wake him up and she is pregnant with their fifth.) and another guy I went to high school with passed away sunday from cancer. I've really tried to hold on to each day lately. and remember all the blessings. :)

Jewel said...

Thanks for the reminders.