As you can see from the last post, things are changing everyday around the Sidwell house. First with Molly. She turned 6 months yesterday!! I can hardly believe how much my little baby is growing. It seems so fast to me although yesterday at her 6 month appointment we found she is still measuring small. 13 lbs. 1 oz. and 25 inches long. (5% for weight and 50% for height) We also got the okay to start rice cereal. (she had to wait until now to avoid food allergies because of her excema) Today she tried it for the first time and seemed to like it okay. She didn't give any nasty faces, but at the same time didn't seem to enjoy it too much either.

Nick and I went on our second date alone since Molly. We went to Harry Potter 6. A must see!! We really enjoyed it!

And lastly, the house got windows today. They are getting ready to shingle and side the house. They are also working on the plumbing and electrical stuff.
Your house is looking great! We are going to see Harry Potter tomorrow - I can't wait! I think I'm more excited than the boys :)
That is so exciting to start food, we started Russell at his 4 month mark.
Can't wait to see Harry Potter.
And your house is looking GREAT!
Rice cereal is really not too tasty. I don't mind the mixed grain myself though.
Your house is really taking shape.
Wow!! Things are going fast! Your house looks amazing! IT'll take us forever because Jared has to do it all himself. (not getting on yet) Molly is so cute! Wyler is so much bigger! HE's chunky...or just fat:)
Molly is so very cute. I wouldn't worry too much about Molly's numbers. 50% means she's average on height, and all of my boys have dipped into about the 10% on weight at one time or another. I'm sure your Doc has told you that as long as her overall curve looks good then she is doing fine. My Dax is now in the 80% on height (my tallest yet) but only 15% on weight.
Oh, on the rice cereal - Kolby and Dax both hated it and wanted nothing to do with it, so at least she'll eat it, even if she doesn't love it.
I think its better to wait until 6 months to start 'real food' anyway. They make some that is banana or apple flavored too, if she doesn't like the plain. Caleb loved it!
The house looks amazing! I bet you are SO excited!
our family saw Harry Potter 6 too! It was So AWSOME!
Except i didn't get the part where Ron's house burns.
That was KINDA Weird. Your house is looking so cool!
I was never very good about doing the solids, especially the rice cereal. Your house looks awesome so far.
Congrats! The house looks great, Molly looks great, and we saw Harry Potter too and it was great! I must also say that I watch the Bachelorette...it's like my guilty pleasure...because I enjoy watching people make complete fools of themselves on TV!
That new header is adorable!
It seems like they're really making quick work of your house! I really like the design. It's super cute. Can't wait to see the finished product.
The house looks awesome. I'm sure its so exciting for you to watch.
Molly is just to darn cute. I cant believe she is already six months. I mean I can hardly believe that my own is 4 months, and it seems like everyone else's kids grow so much faster than mine. I love the pictures of her in your header.
We really should come visit you guys sometime. I think about it a lot. We miss good friends like you two. And Cannon probably is bigger than Molly if she's 13 lbs like you said. We haven't gone to his four months appointment yet, but the kid is huge so I'm guessing he's probably more than 13. Maybe I'm wrong though. I was anxious to get to his appointment and find out even before you said that but now I really am. lol
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