Tonight Nick and I watched the Bachelorette. It is a show on abc. Probably not the best show ever, but it makes us laugh. It is a show where one girl and a bunch of guys go on dates and each week she picks one to send home. It is getting close to the end and there are only 3 guys left. Anyway, after it was over we went on a walk and started talking about when we were first dating years ago. (7 years ago we met) It actually was a crazy time in both of our lives and we felt like in a way we each lived our bachelor/bachelorette days. We talked about why how we knew that we had found the "right one" for us. I told Nick that we were like the ingredients to a yummy cake. When you put us together we had all the ingredients. There were other guys I dated that were sugar or eggs, but they didn't have everything that was needed to mix into something great. That is what Nick did for me. He completed me. Molly coming along is just the icing on the cake. She brings color, fun, sweetness and joy into our lives. We are so lucky to be done with the single days and to have each other for eternity. What a blessing. I guess you can have your cake and eat it too. 

Hey Sarah did you make the Cake???
That's a cute way to look at you two...and so cute! BTW - I can't believe how big Molly is getting!
Hey I look at your blog almost every day, so thanks for posting.
We still don't have TV just movies, it works for us but I do miss not knowing what is going on.
Hey keep posting pictures of your house, Chad and I are living through you guys, since that tunnel does not have a light at the end of it. :)
We still look at your blog. Im a bit more inconsistent now that you are private, but you have cute posts. :}
you are so right about the "cake" theory.
That is a cute way of thinking about your relationship. I remember telling Steve he was all of the good and none of the bad from the other guys I had dated. It is nice to find the 'one'.
I always look at your blog too... guess I should post more comments. You have such a darling family and I have loved hearing about your journey as a family. You deserve all of the best blessings for the wonderful woman that you are!!!
I love reading your blog but I really do not like computer stuff.
I still read your blog all the time. I don't think a lot of people comment anymore (at least on mine) because they are all on Facebook :)
Did you make the cake??
I wish I made the cake...not that good yet. :)
I will admit that i check the "private" blogs about half as many times as the other one simply because it never tells us when you have updated. I loved the post and i love cake.
Hey Sarah,
I think all the young women of the world should know that you CAN have your cake and eat it too. It is so worth waiting for the one and doing it right!!
I think it is good blog etiquitte (sp?) to comment if you read.
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