This week has been spring break for Nick and I so we headed up to Utah for my grandmas 80th birthday.

It was a blast to be with my family. Everyone was there except for Joseph's family because the twins are still too small to be in public. We had a great dinner and program of skits of our favorite memory with grandma. As promised here is a picture of the cake.

It turned out more "cheesy" then I hoped, but everyone loved it. I thought it looked like a cake for a kids party, but it was the first one I had ever tried stacked. I haven't taken a class, just watched others and checked out books from the library, so I'm sure I will improve with practice. Anyway, after the party, we went to Salt Lake and stayed with Joseph, Jessie and the twins for 2 days. It was a lot of fun to visit, relax and cuddle those babies. The twins, Noah and Ethan are doing well. Ethan has had a heart problem, but the doctors think with time, it will repair itself. They are precious. It has given me a greater appreciation for my brother and sister in law. Twins are much harder than just one. They have a great attitude though.

After leaving Salt Lake, we headed to Yardly Inn and Spa. It is a place we went the first night of our honeymoon. When we lost our baby, the Mickels, Bodily's and Askeroth's (friends from Cedar) got us a gift certificate to Yardly Inn for some relaxing time. Thanks guys!! It was just what we needed. Yesterday we drove to Cedar and started looking for a place to live when we move back in a few months. We will miss our friends here, but we are excited to be with our friends in Cedar again. Fun stuff.