Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life on the floor

Last night, I found out what love really is.

Sarah was so tired last night (this isn't new, she would go to bed at 8:00pm if she could). As some of you may know, I can't sleep when I should. I guess you could say I have a sleeping disorder. The problem is, Sarah and I have always gone to bed together. Most of the time, I end up laying there for hours wishing sleep to just pull me under. Well, I usually get up and do something like painting or or playing the guitar. Sometimes I watch movies but that, I have found, is very unhelpful. I never fall asleep during movies.

So back to my story, I stayed up watching a movie I found in the garbage the other day (check out old posts in my blog to see my adventures through grouchland) and it got to be late so Sarah wandered off to the couch until the movie was over (because our TV sits in our bedroom). I tried watching TV for another hour but sleep was especially evasive last night. Eventually I wandered out into the living room and saw Sarah on the couch. She was so peaceful and serene. I just had the urge not to wake her. I grabbed my pillow an laid down next to her on the floor.

This, my friends, is my demonstration of the meaning of love. When there is someone who fills up your days, who you always want to be by, even through the night- you have found the meaning of love. Sarah and I are not perfect, we try hard to make each other happy though. It really makes all the difference in life. When I find myself swallowed up by all the worries of life, fighting to just sleep at night like everyone else, Sarah is there. Even though she didn't know it, she was there for me and I wanted to be by her. I know what love means when I look into her shimmering face, glowing in the moonlight. Sarah is love.


Lindy said...

That's pretty dern romantic!

The Whitehead Family said...

I think I married the best man for me. Really, he is awesome! -Sarah

Lisa said...

Oh MY!!!! How Romantic!!!! I could read this post over and over...

Jewel said...

Keep getting your beauty sleep Sarah. We all think you are beautiful asleep or awake.

Jamie said...

We sat side by side in the morning light
and looked out at the future together.

- Brian Andres -

You two are the best!

The Wynn Family said...

Wow Nic, when are you going to start writing along with all your other talents?