Sunday, March 26, 2017

22 Weeks

Our little one is continuing to grow and develop!  I am growing too!  I can't believe I'm only 22 weeks but my body is already starting to feel sore.  Pelvic pain and back pain...although the back pain isn't too bad.  I feel her moving when I lay down usually, but not when I am up and busy.  Nick got to feel her this week but the girls haven't yet.  Having an anterior placenta has made it harder for the kids to get to feel kicks.  Im sure it is coming though.  I have a lot of heartburn but I only take Zophran when needed.  (as of the last few days)  About 125 more days until she joins our family.  We still don't have a name, but we like Hope, Quincy, Celine, Cora and a few others, but we aren't positive about one yet.