Friday, March 10, 2017

20 Weeks! Half Way There

Today I am 20 weeks along!  This pregnancy has been so different from the other two it seems.  She always keeps me guessing.  I am still on Zophran!  Which Im not super excited about, but whenever I have tried to go without it I have been in bed feeling like throwing up again.  When I take it I feel pretty decent.  I get really tired at night but I think that is pretty normal.  Another thing that is different is that the placenta is anterior.  In the front, so I don't feel this baby as much.  That has actually been a big downer for me.  I look forward to feeling the baby so much at this phase and I only feel her occasionally.  Nick and the kids haven't been able to feel her move yet.  Hopefully soon.  We still don't have a name for the baby, but I still like Hope.  I also like Celine, Eliza, Roxy, and Brinlee.

Last weekend we drove to vernal to see Trinalee in a play and this weekend we are traveling again, this time to Manti.  Nick and I are heading to Yardley Inn for a much needed overnighter.  The girls are going to stay with Michelle.  I don't like leaving the girls.  It just feels like I am leaving part of me behind, but I am excited to just be with Nick for a day.  We are planning on going to the temple and just relaxing!

Everything else seems to be going well in our lives.  Molly is still doing great in school and dance and music.  We found out recently that her reflections song she wrote is getting the highest achievement at the State Level.  Avey continues to make us smile everyday.  Two things that have been a little stressful with her was deciding if she would go to Kindergarten this fall.  We did finally decide to keep her home for one more year and put her in preschool--which we feel really good about.  She has still struggled with eating a lot and things haven't improved much.  It is really hard for her and us.  She seems to have a lot of anxiety about eating anything new.

This pic was February 8 when I was about 13 or 14 weeks along.   This pic was taken at 18 weeks along.