Thursday, February 16, 2017

Baby Update

Tomorrow I will be 17 weeks!!  We are having a GIRL!  We found out on February 2nd.  My doctor Laura Zaugg got my results in and texted me to say that the baby does not have any genetic issues.  Then she asked if I wanted to know the gender.  I texted back yes please!  She told me the baby was female.  So crazy all the emotions!  I would say my first feelings were excited and relief.  I wanted a boy to keep the family name, but I was getting worried about a boy.  I was so excited and had a hard time waiting to tell anyone.  Nick wanted to keep it a secret until the baptism, but the next morning before school, he wanted me to tell him and Molly so I did.  They were all more excited than I even thought.  Now everything in my mind is pink.  Ive been trying to figure out rooms and supplies, and stuff.

As far as how I'm feeling, unfortunately, I am still not feeling great.  I haven't thrown up for a few weeks, but I'm still on Zophran and when I don't take it I am in bed sick.  I have been blessed to feel good enough to start doing mom life again.  Which is a blessing, but hard!  I just want to nap a lot.  I already have heartburn every night.  I'm starting to get bigger and feel bigger.  I can't believe i'm not even half way.  I have felt the baby move here and there.  Not consistently yet.  The girls and Nick are excited for when they will get to feel here.