Monday, March 10, 2014

Sunday happenings

Today Nick and I taught the CTR5 class.  It is our new calling and I think it will be so fun to teach together. Then we spoke in church.  Phew...we are done.  I think both our talks went well so I'm thankful for that.

In primary today we learned about prayer. When we got home from church Molly was upset because she wanted to go outside to play but we were busy and didn't want to go out with her.  She started crying, so she had to go to her room.  Then I heard her in there praying through her tears.  She prayed that she could stop crying and be able to have a lovely day.  It was so sweet.  When she came out a Few min. Later she was happy and pleasant. She told me she had said a prayer and Heavenly Father had answered it.  I went outside with her and we were able to see the beginnings of spring. We came in and I had her listen to "Wick" from the secret garden.

Tonight we went to a friends, the coons for dinner.  It feels good to be getting to know a few more people. They aren't in our ward but Nick works with Emily.

Avey had a tooth come in this week and she is working on one more.  Almost a full mouthful.

Nick and Molly made this fairy house a few weeks ago but I never got a picture of it until today.

My little cowgirl dancer.


Angie said...

I love that fairy house! How magical. My kids would love something like that in the yard.