Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas 2013

Despite being sick for most of the holiday we did have a good time with family.  Christmas Eve we did a fire in the fireplace and read some Christmas books.  Christmas morning Molly work us up and we opened presents.  Molly got a furby and was SO excited that Santa got her exactly what she wanted.  Avey was sleeping so when she woke up she opened her presents.  She cried most of the time and went right back to bed.  Later in the day we went to Price and enjoyed a dinner with my Grandpa Echer, Aunt Marilyns family and most of my family.  (Nick stayed at my moms with Avey)  We had some of my favorite foods and cookies there.  Lots of memories of my grandma and I enjoyed that.  The next few days were spent visiting, eating, watching movies and playing games.  On Sunday after returning home we went to West Jordan to have dinner with the Meifu side.  It was also great to get together with that side of the family.