Thursday, January 16, 2014

5 years old!!

My little girl turned 5 yesterday!!  I know people say this a lot, but I seriously CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!  She woke up to a surprise of balloons and streamers.  She asked for a scooter, unicorn cake and a unicorn shirt, so that is what she got.  She loved all of it.  Molly was so sweet all day and soaked in all the attention.  She took donuts to preschool and dance.  Her friend Aubrey brought her a unicorn cake too because she knew how much Molly likes unicorns.  Nana, Papa, Jeremy and Crystal came for dinner of pizza and then we went to Kangaroo Zoo until bedtime.  She got a card with a gift card from Grandma and Grandpa Whitehead and was so excited to have her own "credit card" to shop with.  I think her favorite gift was a pony/unicorn from Nana that she named Twilight.  (I made the white cake and her shirt.)


mom said...

Thank you for the blog. Your talent so many years ago at reunion has bless my life. I love Molly's cake and pictures.