Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekend Fun

Nick left us for 4 days to go to Lake Powell with my brother John and brother-in-law Lance and the older nephews.  (Which he LOVED and had an AWESOME time...too bad no women were there to take pictures.  I'll have to see if anyone actually took any.:)) I wondered how I would manage with out him to be honest, but it worked out and I found out that even though I missed him a ton, it was nice to catch up on some cleaning and projects I wanted to do.  On Saturday our friends Cari and Jordan came for a visit.  They brought their new puppy Mya and both the girls were in heaven.  We went out to dinner and then the girls and I headed to Lehi to watch my niece Desiree in a play.  She did a very cute job and it was fun to see everyone.  When we got back to John and Julia's Nick and the boys came home.  It was fun to be together as a family again!!  Cari and Jordan had gone to a concert so when they got back we stayed up and talked way too late.  Then yesterday they came to church with us and we enjoyed dinner and a walk at the pond.  It was so nice and relaxing!  Cari and Jordan are so good to our girls and they love them so much!

Love these pics. of Avey crawling up the stairs.  Her new trick. :)


Shermilton said...

I love the pic of Avey with her mouth open.