Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sidwell Family Reunion

This last weekend we had the opportunity to go to Brighton Girls Camp for a family reunion.  This place is very special to Allison, and while sharing Faith Stories we learned this was the place Ali got her testimony and where she prayed if she should marry Keith.  It was neat to share this place with her. On Friday when we arrived we just unpacked and hung out for a while.  We shared some family storied while dinner was cooking.  (Lasagna made by Keith and Allison)  Aunt Camille came up for dinner and Avey's birthday party.  We let her open presents and have some cake.  Then we headed to Silver Lake for a walk and some fishing.  Nick was the only one to catch a fish but it was really little so it went back in.  We also saw two moose there.  When we got back we enjoyed smores around the campfire and then when the kids were in bed we told Faith stories.  It was neat to hear of times that helped build everyones testimonies.

Saturday I had to go to Lehi for a funeral, but the rest of the family hung out and played games.  When I returned we ate lunch at the cafe close by and then did some crafts.  Tin can lanterns again and some crayon art.  Allison brought rub on and clipboards to decorate too.  We went up hernia hill and went on a zipline next.  Even Molly did it and she loved it until the end.  We finished the night telling service stories and eating a yummy chicken salad dinner made by Kim.

It was great to be together!  We have been SO BLESSED in that we LOVE both of our families so much!  


Jewel said...

That is some GREEN grass on that cake!
I have seen moose at Silver Lake before. It can be alarming when you are in a raft.

Shermilton said...

Glad to hear it was so neat!