Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sick baby

My little one has been sick the last few days. It started last Thursday with a fever.  The fever lasted until yesterday off and on, but I took her to the doctor and he said she had a stomach virus.  Throwing up, diarrhea, rash on tummy.  Poor thing has been miserable and has needed to be held constantly. She also got her shots which I was against, but the doctor assured me wouldn't cause any problems.  I beg to differ...the poor girl wouldn't even stand on her legs and cried any time her legs were touched. Today has been a little better. She doesn't have a fever anymore and is crawling around.  Still seems to have stomach pain though.

Stats from her 9 month appointment:
27 in.  23%
16.6 lbs. 7%
Head 17.25 in. 39%


Jewel said...

The baby having to be held all the time makes antsy days for me as a Mom.

But then again, Desi's teacher told me last month that she'd give anything to hold her babies again.

So I guess try to treasure the time when she needs you so much.