Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week in Review

On the 11th Avey finally had her first bath.  It took a while for her cord to come off, so we did sponge baths until then.  She didn't seem to like it at first, but got the hang of it after a few minutes.  The baths on the following days she didn't seem to like at all.  Today she showered with me and seemed to like that better.  Avenley is getting so big already.  I want her to slow down...I just love how sweet and small newborns are.  She seriously has been smiling since she was a week old, but now she smiles more especially when Nick or I talk to her.  It is so cute!  She still doesnt sleep great, but better every week.

Molly is still loving her sister.  She likes to play in Aveys closet and with all her toys.  I have never had such a messy house on a consistent basis.  Toys everywhere in every room.  Ah well, we will get a schedule someday.  For now Molly is enjoying freedom to play and make messes while I am nursing and cant do anything about it.

I had to get some of my Molly in the tub too.  Tis last week we had a clothing pass along for relief society.  Molly got this cute hat and a few outfits.  She also got some boots that she loves and wants to wear all the time.  Her hair is getting so long.  She loves it being long and says she wants it to be as long as Tangled's.


We have spent a lot of time in front of the the TV lately.  Thank goodness for electronic babysitters.  I hate that is the case, but I'm trying to remind myself that it is temporary and when Avey gets a little older and starts sleeping better at night, I will have the energy to do more with Molly.  At least that is my hope.  For now, I survive...enjoy mostly freezer lots of laundry...not sure who's clothes are more dirty, Avenleys or Molly's.  I did help my mom bottle a few batches of peaches last weekend and this weekend I froze about 6 large freezer bags of more peaches.

We did venture on one short trip.  On Monday we drove to provo for Nick to meet up with a companion from his mission.  They hadn't seen each other in about ten years, so it was fun.  He lives in Mexico and has suffered a lot of problems with the drug cartel.  We are thankful for his safety.

We also had a RS activity where we had a clothing exchange.  Molly loves the hat, boots, and outfits she got.  She also really loved watching a movie at Grandma and Grandpas...she got a whole bag of popcorn to herself.


Jessica Jensen said...

fun to catch up. Love the pics especially molls in the hat!

Angie said...

Hazel had barely seen a TV on before Jack was born, and then suddenly, her love for Disney princesses was born! It took some work to scale her back down to the amount of viewing I'd rather give her once I had more energy, but in the meantime, don't let yourself feel guilty for it. Be grateful! It won't ruin your child - think what kind of a mother you'd be without that break! You're sleep-deprived, so take advantage of it and love it. ;)