Sunday, July 8, 2012

The waiting game

I don't think they should tell you that your full term at 37 weeks. After that day, you think the baby can come anytime....and then she doesn't come. I don't dare plan anything or work on projects because any minute, I'm going to be in labor...only to not be. Everyone at church keeps asking me how many more days. I feel huge. I know that when she comes things are bound to be a little harder, with less sleep and more things to juggle, but I can't stand waiting!! I have an appointment tomorrow so we will see if I have dilated more. Hopefully. Just can't wait. I guess we will see if this is the week...hoping so.


Riley and Brittney said...

I agree with you on the 37 weeks. I was so done at that point even though I still felt pretty good. I can't wait to see pics of your littlce sweetie! Good luck with everything!

Shafferprincess said...

"Just keep swimmin." :) I know it's so hard - I feel for you. Soak your feet in Molly's little pool, have Nick give you a foot rub, go out for ice cream, go over your breathing techniques, and your labor plan . . . You can do it! :) Love ya, and good luck.

Jewel said...

The last few weeks are so hard. I remember getting the house all clean and ready so many times over...

Jewel said...

All those contractions and no measurable progress is not funny.