Monday, July 16, 2012

39 weeks and 4 days

I hate due dates! I get this expectation and then wait!! So today I am STILL dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced. The doctor said im really soft...whatever that means. Am I disappointed? Yes. BUT...she isn't ready I guess and I need to be patient. I was up for hours last night with cramps and today I feel nauseous. Just my body SLOWLY preparing. I just need to enjoy the last few days I have with just the 3 of us.


Angie said...

Hang in there! So sorry you're not feeling well. Those last few weeks are the worst. I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful little girl and hear about how she makes her arrival. Good luck!

Jewel said...

It's true. Due dates can make you mad. But birthdays are fun!