Thursday, July 12, 2012

So I don't forget

Just incase I ever decide to have another baby...I'm a pro at false labor. Not sure if I was with Molly because i don't remember and I didn't write it down, so this time I will. There have been three separate, random nights that I thought I really was in labor. I was having consistent contractions/surges, and feeling like this was it for about 2 hours and then they died down. Last night as the most real. We got an app to time the surges and last night for two hours they were almost exactly 8 min. Apart and lasted about a min. Long. I called my sister/birth coach to be on guard. Then I went to bed thinking I would sleep through as much of the labor as possible...only to have the surges stop. Bummer. Tonight my doctor is out of town (just for tonight) so I'm hoping that nothing happens.


Jewel said...

I can't believe there's an app for that.