Last Tuesday my brother Joseph called from Missouri to see what our plans were. He had a little break before he would be starting a new job so that night they left and drove to Utah. We spent the next few days playing with the twins and Joelle. Since they were in Price, Jess, Sherstin and their kids came too. Quite the full crazy house, but SO MUCH FUN! Molly loves being with cousins. They are like Christmas to her. I had picked last week to sign her up for a kids camp for 2 hours each morning thinking that she would have a boring week and knowing I didnt have a ton of energy to play much, but it ended up being full of activity. Running through sprinklers, the wave pool, trip to McDonalds, and play time with cousins. She was exhausted when it was all over, but loved every minute.

Doctor appointment yesterday said I was dilated to a 1 and still 50% effaced. She is still head down. :) Not too much progress, which was kind of a bummer. With all these wildfires, we have hardly been able to run the swamp cooler and that makes an already hot pregnant lady SUPER hot. I feel like I never cool down. Not in the mood to do much cooking, but I did get the house completely clean. Hopefully it will stay that way until this little one arrives. She kicks and moves so hard!! If she doesnt break my water soon, nothing will.