5 years ago
Monday, December 31, 2012
Christmas Holiday
The last few weeks have been a lot of fun. We haven't been the healthiest and we have done a lot of traveling which I don't always love, but dispite that it has been a wonderful holiday. We spent a few days before Christmas in Evanston helping Jess unpack. While we were there, Molly spiked a fever and was pretty sick. The next day we headed home and Molly got worse. We stayed in for a day and last Sunday we headed to Eagle Mountain to hear Ali and Jeremy sing in the ward choir and then Kims kids sang in their sacrament meeting. Then off to Aunt Camilles for a yummy dinner and visit with family. It all went well considering we were all still sick. The next day we spent visiting Nick's family and headed home in the snow for Christmas at home. It was so fun to have our first Christmas with just our own little family. Molly was excited about Santa coming, but most excited about her dream lite. We ate bread wreath rolls for breakfast and then went to John's house to visit and back out to the Sidwells.
On the 26th I took down all the Christmas and cleaned before heading to Price. (The reason Nick thinks I don't like Christmas. ;)) It was nice to spend a few days in Price with my family. We were missing Sherstin and Josephs families, but it was nice to be with John and Jessicas families and with my parents. We also visited the Richardsons and Behunins which was fun too.
Tonight was are going to have a houseful as John and Jessicas families are coming over for games and food. Should be fun. As I say goodbye to 2012 it seems like I can do so easily. This has been a HARD YEAR! But also a year of blessings. The biggest blessing was a healthy baby girl. Excited for a new year and a new beginning.
Christmas at Home
I wanted to remember what Christmas looked like this year. Dispite what Nick might think, I love Christmas decor, lights, music and basically everything Christmas. (Nick thinks I don't like to decorate because as soon as Christmas is over I take it all down quickly...ready to have my house back.)
Molly's first Christmas

Reminds me of Nauvoo
An old ornament

One from our Disneyland trip

One from my childhood

Molly's first Christmas
Reminds me of Nauvoo
An old ornament
One from our Disneyland trip
One from my childhood
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Winter fun!
Winter is here! Last Saturday we woke early and headed to Evanston to help my sister move into her house. Then drove home in a bit of snow. Sunday we woke up to a little snow and Molly was convinced that she needed to go play in the snow before nine o'clock church. We didn't really let her play much in it on Sunday so Monday morning after breakfast she put on her boots and simply walked around the backyard in all directions making tracks...or as she calls them "feets". That night we took the kids to go ice skating. A first for both of them. I'm not a great skater, so Nick took Molly while I held Avey. Molly loved it!! She had a hard time even standing, but luckily Nick is a great skater so she got to go pretty fast around the rink. It was nice for Avey and I as well because they had an outdoor heater and a children's choir performing outside that we listened to.
On Thursday Nick finally went to the doctors. He has had a cold for about a month and it has just gotten worse. Bronchitis is what the doctor thought it sounded like, so he was sent home with an antibiotic, couch med, and inhaler. He is already feeling better for which I am thankful but tonight Avey started acting sick and has been congested. Her first cold. Yuck.
Last night we had the Bodilys over for soup, games and a movie. It was so nice and relaxing and the kids played great. SO thankful to have some friends here. It definantly helps with the transition.
And then today, more snow. Once again Molly was ready to go out as soon as she saw there was snow. After breakfast her and Nick built a Molly and Avenley snowman. I took Molly shopping for her to buy a present for her dad and Avey with her own money. She was so cute looking for the perfect gift and it was fun to have some one on one time with her.
PS. Why am I so tired all day and at night I can't sleep?!? Drives me crazy!
On Thursday Nick finally went to the doctors. He has had a cold for about a month and it has just gotten worse. Bronchitis is what the doctor thought it sounded like, so he was sent home with an antibiotic, couch med, and inhaler. He is already feeling better for which I am thankful but tonight Avey started acting sick and has been congested. Her first cold. Yuck.
Last night we had the Bodilys over for soup, games and a movie. It was so nice and relaxing and the kids played great. SO thankful to have some friends here. It definantly helps with the transition.
And then today, more snow. Once again Molly was ready to go out as soon as she saw there was snow. After breakfast her and Nick built a Molly and Avenley snowman. I took Molly shopping for her to buy a present for her dad and Avey with her own money. She was so cute looking for the perfect gift and it was fun to have some one on one time with her.
PS. Why am I so tired all day and at night I can't sleep?!? Drives me crazy!
Friday, December 7, 2012
A week in Review
Last Thursday we got together with the Mickels, Bodily's, and Moons for an after Thanksgiving dinner. It was a lot of fun to be all together again....after several years. The Bods and Micks have been there for our family at such important parts of our lives. We love them so much.
Friday we went to Salt Lake to meet my parents, grandpa Echer, Jessicas family and Jessica Beth and Joelle for dinner. Jessica Beth was in town for a family funeral and we got to snatch her up for a night. We miss her already but it was fun to visit for a while.
Then Saturday we came down with...food poisoning we think. Nick and I were both SO sick. It practically lasted for 2 full days! By Monday Nick was better and I was mostly better.
Monday we went to temple square with Nicks family. It was so beautiful and peaceful there. I have to admit that even driving downtown stresses me out, but this trip was nice. Saw City Creek for the first time. Enjoyed being together as a whole family. I love how esay going my kids are. They were both so good while we were there.
The rest of the week has been spent cleaning up doing laundry and household stuff. I am hoping to get a quick trip to the temple today before heading to Evinston to help the Jensen's move.
Friday we went to Salt Lake to meet my parents, grandpa Echer, Jessicas family and Jessica Beth and Joelle for dinner. Jessica Beth was in town for a family funeral and we got to snatch her up for a night. We miss her already but it was fun to visit for a while.
Then Saturday we came down with...food poisoning we think. Nick and I were both SO sick. It practically lasted for 2 full days! By Monday Nick was better and I was mostly better.
Monday we went to temple square with Nicks family. It was so beautiful and peaceful there. I have to admit that even driving downtown stresses me out, but this trip was nice. Saw City Creek for the first time. Enjoyed being together as a whole family. I love how esay going my kids are. They were both so good while we were there.
The rest of the week has been spent cleaning up doing laundry and household stuff. I am hoping to get a quick trip to the temple today before heading to Evinston to help the Jensen's move.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
My Girls
My girls are so patient. This move has been a bit rough on all of us. Between cleaning, moving, thanksgiving, the funeral etc. they have been troopers through it all. I hold them tighter and kiss them more often realizing what a blessing they are to me. Oh how I LOVE being a MOM!!
On Monday, Nana and Papa came with Jeremy and Crystal for a fhe visit. We went to pizza and had egg nog shakes. It was such a fun night!! That night Molly woke up with a fever. The next day she was lathargic all day and fevered but no other sympoms. She did a lot of sleeping...the sign that she is really sick and today she seems great. (She slept from 8pm-10am the next day and took a nap)
Here she is all curled up snoozing. So sweet.
On Monday, Nana and Papa came with Jeremy and Crystal for a fhe visit. We went to pizza and had egg nog shakes. It was such a fun night!! That night Molly woke up with a fever. The next day she was lathargic all day and fevered but no other sympoms. She did a lot of sleeping...the sign that she is really sick and today she seems great. (She slept from 8pm-10am the next day and took a nap)
Here she is all curled up snoozing. So sweet.
Avenley at 4 Months
I love this stage. Avey is full of Smiles!! She smiles at anyone who smiles at her and she can light up a room! She still takes 3 naps a day and nurses in between. She is nursing without the shield now and doing well with that. The day before she was 4 months she rolled over from back to front. She has rolled from front to back as well, but does back to front better. She likes to be held and prefers her mommy but will go to others too. She is so easy going and only cries when she is tired or hungry. She likes her binkie now.
Jason Bjorn Crowther
Last week a friend of mine passed away. Jason and I met while I was living in Nauvoo. They had a dance at the Academy and he asked me to dance. He asked for my phone number that night and a few weeks later we were "dating." Jason and I dated even after I left Nauvoo and until he left on his mission. (for about a year) He was a very kind and generous person. That is something about him I will never forget.
I was pretty disturbed with the news of his passing as it was a suiside. He had been struggling with depression for a long time...even before I met him and he took his own life, leaving a wife and 3 young boys. Jessica and I went to the funeral in Saratoga Springs last Monday. It was really heartbreaking. I have to remind myself that he was sick. Thoughts and prayers still go out to his family.
I was pretty disturbed with the news of his passing as it was a suiside. He had been struggling with depression for a long time...even before I met him and he took his own life, leaving a wife and 3 young boys. Jessica and I went to the funeral in Saratoga Springs last Monday. It was really heartbreaking. I have to remind myself that he was sick. Thoughts and prayers still go out to his family.
Between the cleaning and unpacking we were able to go to Grandma and Grandpa Whiteheads for Thanksgiving. We stopped at the Sidwells for a long overdue visit with Nana and Papa first. (Nick had gone up the day before to see Jeremy in a play) Enjoyed spending a little time with them before heading to Price. Molly was in heaven when all the cousins arrived. We ate such great food, and had such a fun time together. Avey and Molly were both spoiled with attention. They did great though and slept great too. We also got to go to Breaking Dawn with my sisters and older nieces and shopping too. Love how sweet Avey looks snoozing.
Well we learned a lesson with this move...don't look through a place quickly without power on. When we were looking for a place to move we were impressed with this duplex mostly because of the size, location and garage for the price. Most of what I looked at was half the size and an apartment for the same price so we looked quickly and signed on the line. When we got up here to move in...we looked beyond the "cleaned" carpets and were really disappointed. We ended up spending the next 4 days CLEANING! Not unpacking...just cleaning. Mom and Dad came to help and my friend Amy came the day they left and helped too. It was SO NICE and generous of them!! We are now in a CLEAN duplex 2 weeks later. We are loving the ward, library and location. Can't wait to see what Davis county has to offer us!
Bike Ride
We got this trike for Molly when she got potty trained, but she never got very good at riding it before winter. Then this summer, I didn't get it out much because I was big and pregnant and didn't want to get down and help her. (Lazy mom I know) So this fall when we got it out she really enjoyed it. She can peddle herself now but doesn't like to go fast.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Molly has really been into holding Avey lately. She didn't really care before, but the last while she has enjoyed getting to hold her. I hope they are close sisters like I am with mine.
PS-Molly just got up for the day...she doesn't always look like an orphan.
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